Monday, July 31, 2023

Weekending 7/31/23

 Good Monday Morning!

It is a gorgeous morning here in Eastern PA.  Our heatwave has broken (currently 61 degrees at 6:48 am) and the humidity feels as though it has dropped.  I've been able to sleep with the AC off, ceiling fan on and windows open for the last two nights!  If work will not rear its ugly head, I may get out for a walk a little later.

How was your weekend?  Mine seems to have been the right combination of different things.  It started off Friday with some home made camponata for dinner.

(That's lavender from the garden behind the camponata)

We had the camponata on some crusty bread that I had brushed with EVOO and then warmed/heated/slightly toasted in the oven.  Delicious!!

And while we were having dinner, Steve the Beav came onto the patio!  I've never seen him this close to the house...first he came up to the fire pit by the picnic table and then just kept coming!  It was hysterical.

I was so surprised that I fumbled to get my phone to take a picture.  Not the greatest, but there he is right by our back sliding door to the patio!  A brazen fellow.

Saturday morning found me meeting up with Dee as usual for our check in to solve the world's problems and keep our sanity.  I had started my Allsorts Sock #1 (I was through the 15 rows of ribbing that I do), so started in on a pattern I had decided on which involved some slipped stitches.  After 6 rows I decided it was fugly and was just going to rip everything out, but (as usual) Dee saved the day and ripped it back to my ribbing and picked up my stitches.  I pretty much suck at doing that.  So thank you Dee!  And a bit of progress was made on that first sock!

No pattern, just plain vanilla.  The yarn has spoken!  This is KnitPicks Static yarn and it is striping up very evenly much to my surprise.  Caking it up, I was sure the colors would be all over the place, but I am loving how it is knitting up.

Sunday Fletch and I spent a little time pulling an invasive vine out of the bed where our lilac is.  That darned Virginia Creeper is everywhere!  And hard to pull out too.  In the afternoon we wandered over to Lansdale to Colin & Mailing's house.  I watered the house plants and Fletch repaired a latch on one of their cabinets that was not staying shut.  Next time he needs to do some trimming of plants that are trying to take over the sidewalk from the driveway to the front door.  The lawn looked good though - it is being cut every two weeks.

And today has already been a productive one!  Nuts have been roasted and a cake is out of the oven cooling...I will frost it later.  Cheers to the week ahead - let's make it a good one!


  1. We have much cooler temps/humidity here today, too, and I am so looking forward to going for my run and not feeling like I'm melting! I hope work cooperates so that you can get out and enjoy it.

    I think plain is the way to go with your new sock. I've knit with self-patterning yarn enough to know that any sort of pattern usually can't be seen in it so it's a waste to try. You are lucky that Dee was on had to help you quickly get back on track!

  2. I feel much more productive now that the heat and humidity have dropped, and you certainly are! I hope work cooperates so you can get out and enjoy some pleasant summer weather and maybe get a few rows in on that lovely sock!

  3. I love the striping in Static. It's all over the place so it's fun to see it grow.
    We've got one of those beaver like things living under our shed but I rarely see him that close to the house. We did have a possum up on the deck last night. I'm not a fan of all those sharp little teeth. Unlike the raccoons that just look put out, they like to growl at me when I shoo them away and it scares me to death.

  4. It is blissfully cooler on this side of the state as well... and yes, it is welcome! An added boon... the neighbors with all the cars have left on vacation so Steve was downright gleeful leaving for work this morning!!

  5. We've got windows open here, too. I'm not feeling so refrigerated and dried out. Yay!

    Maybe Steve was thirsty? Certainly you have room in your heart for a pet whistlepig. LOL

  6. So happy you all are getting relief from the heat. And how wonderful to have a knitting friend who will get you reset.

  7. Oh, Steve was coming to say hello to you. How sweet is that? We had strong thunderstorms last night and again about 5:00 this morning. It's a bit cooler this morning but 98% humidity.
    I had to rip back the sweater I'm making for Piper yesterday because I forgot a decrease row. I could have used Dee's expertise to put all of those stitches back on the needle! I did it though! Yay me!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I helped a friend rip back to the cuff once. She paled and screeched when I pull out the needles and began ripping. A few minutes later she was all smiles. Love the stripes on All Sorts.

  9. Our humidity is lower, too, and I'm so glad! Even Fred & George have more energy and George actually sat on my lap yesterday for the first time in ages. Glad you are happy with the sock now. Happy Monday!

  10. our heatwave broke on Saturday. I'd love to turn the a/c off, but it's still too warm for Dave! I got up this morning and it was 65 degrees in the house. Dave's walking around in just his boxers, perfectly fine. While I'm throwing on a cardigan, socks and warm slippers!

  11. While Saturday was VERY hot and humid here, Sunday was perfectly pleasant! Such a lovely change. :-) I always find that "busy" yarn works best in "plain vanilla" anything. (Who needs to do all that fussy stuff if your lovely yarn is just going to be a distraction???) And Steve the Beav just cracks me up!!! He is one BOLD beaver!

  12. I've never known a beaver to be socialable! What fun! the new sock looks great .

  13. wow what a chunker of an animal and so bold! We were up in the Boston area during that heat wave and it was so awful.

  14. That camponata looks delicious. That woodchuck is very brave. I love the picture of you and Dee solving the world's problems while knitting away on socks.
