Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 7/5/23

 Hello and Good Morning All,

How was your 4th of July?  Ours was very, very noisy.  Between the neighbors having a pool party with very loud music and even louder screaming kids (what's up with that?  and why don't the parents control them?  and when did I become this cranky old lady?  hahaha) during the day and then the fireworks at night.  Oy!  The booming went on for quite some time.

This morning finds things a bit calmer and even the temperature is a little lower (69 degrees currently).  And it's Wednesday!  That means time for linking up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Let's go!

I'm nothing if not enthusiastic...but I don't really have much of anything to show.  I have yet to turn the heel on the first PairFect sock!  I think that between missing Mabel and the extreme heat and humidity it has been hard to do any knitting.  I always knit after dinner while Fletch and I listen to whatever book we are in the midst of, but I've been focusing on the green blob Hitchhiker.  I think there are now 32 teeth or points and just 24 or so grams of yarn left.

I'm bored and tired of this and it just needs to be finished already!  LOL

Yesterday morning before Fletch came downstairs for breakfast, I did finally manage to cast on for my Shakerag Skirt but there are no pictures yet.  Because that's all I did...cast on...not one single row was knit!  It was so muggy and sticky when I was casting on that I was quickly becoming irritable.  So, maybe today.

Not much to say about reading either.  Fletch and I finished listening to "Vesper Flights" by Helen MacDonald and really enjoyed it.  So much so that we are now listening to H is for Hawk also by MacDonald.  Once again she is the narrator and her voice is very soothing.  So far I'm liking "Vesper Flights" more, but I am enjoying "H is for Hawk."

My eyes are still consuming 'Hamnet" and wow!  I have been making myself read this so slowly and savoring each sentence.  Yes this is sad and yes this is about the plague.  But, it is so much more than that.  I now have under 100 pages left so will be wrapping this one up soon.  Next up is a cozy mystery that I picked up as a palate cleanser.  It is Knit One Die Two which someone had recommended.

Time to wrap this up and get to work.  Sorry I have so little to share today - hopefully more next week.  Meanwhile head over to Kat's to see what others are up to.  You'll be sure to see something creative! 


  1. My parents lived in a house with a pool when my kids were young, and I was so diligent about NOT letting them scream while they were in the pool. Now . . . my backyard borders TWO pools (I live on a corner . . . ), and never have I ever heard SO MUCH SCREAMING from the kids in the pools. All. Summer. Long. Every. Day. I try to . . . adjust my attitude and think about how much fun they're having. But in the end, I just think it's rude. (Maybe they're numb to the noise??) And don't get me started on the fireworks . . . (Crotchety old person with a terrified dog here.)

  2. I must be turning into a cranky old lady, too, because I also don't understand why kids have to scream so much. I guess it's a good thing we don't have anyone with a pool near our house and that our AC (when it's on, at least) drowns out most of the noise from outside. Really the noise that I get annoyed with is landscapers and their power tools! We have bad air quality here today thanks to smoke from fireworks, so I am also in favor of doing away with them.

    It sounds like you're at the stage of Hitchhiker-ing where the rows are so long that it feels like you'll never finish, but you're close to the end now! I hope you get some more favorite temperatures to allow you to power through the end.

  3. count me in as a cranky old lady as well. We had two nights of fireworks with the same close-by neighbor. I thought it would never end. Let's hope they ran out of fireworks for tonight. My hitchhiker is slow going but fun!

  4. I don't have pets, but I've definitely reached the crotchety old lady stage and am glad the 4th is over. People in our neighborhood have been igniting fireworks since the 2nd, and then the town had them a block away on the 3rd. John went out to watch from the backyard, but I just thought they were far too noisy! (I realize that sounds ridiculous, but that's where I am!) I'm lucky enough not to have screaming kids in pools, so I'll count my blessings. I'm glad your reading is good, and soon you'll be past the boredom stage on the Hitchhiker and finished!

  5. I am suddenly thankful that there are no pools near my house! But the multi-days of fireworks has made me on the SUPER cranky chart because Sherman is just so miserable.

  6. There is a pool near us and it's largely inhabited by boys, who do a lot less screaming. They yell, and I find that far less irritating. Currently, it's been so humid and insufferable that we're closed up with the AC on, so it hasn't been too bad.

    I understand the Crabbiness Thing, especially with knitting. I'm making a ribbed baby blanket--WHY OH WHY, WHEN I DETEST RIBBING? I feel like I'm making almost no progress. Grrrr.

  7. I am missing Mabel so I can't imagine how you are feeling....and yes, when you are hot and sticky, everything saps your attention. Soon you will be done with the shawl and so happy to be putting it away for winter!

  8. I don't get the screaming. THAT would drive me insane!

    The people around here had fireworks -- some pretty loud ones, but it was mostly over by 10 PM. In Orlando it would have gone on all night and for days before and after.

  9. I've been worn out since the heat caught up to us. Getting up early has been nice to watch the Tour but by noon I'm done for the day. My mojo for doing anything has vanished. From this point on it's going to be a long, hot summer of the blahs I suppose.

  10. Cloudy and heavy rain most of the day yesterday and into the night. The holiday festivities were held with small crowds, even the fireworks show after dark. Each volley shook the apartment building.

  11. Another cranky one here. We had some neighbors (or maybe a bar at the bottom of the hill) host a southern rock cover band for most of the late afternoon and evening, and the fireworks went on til after 1am. This was the fourth night in a row. Very tired of them.

  12. Dale and I talk ALL the time about not understanding why kids need to scream when they are in the water! And also not understanding why their parents don't STOP THEM. ha! Hamnet is one of my most favorite books ever and I'm really glad you are enjoying it.

  13. My friend and I were discussing how decades ago we were social and gathering with friends. Now, we don't want to be around groups, noise, chaos, parties. Tolerance for what we once enjoyed is gone!

  14. I had to have words with the neighbors last year about screaming! Their little girl was standing on the back porch screaming her head off, "supervised" by two teens who were encouraging her! Our public pool is within earshot, but it's mostly very pleasant by the time the sound reaches us -- I get annoyed when the music is too loud. Harumph!

  15. I consider screaming children to be the devil's spawn, mainly because neither of my boys was a screamer. As for fireworks, a few people on our lake set them off, and we watched (after giving Percy the Pit Bull, who is terrified of loud noises, a doggy Valium).

  16. I am also a cranky old lady, especially about the fireworks. The hitchhiker looks lovely even if it is getting a little tedious. I do think there is a "black hole" in some projects. Seems like I knit and knit and knit and make very little progress.
