Monday, July 3, 2023

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!! 7/3/23

 Good Morning Everyone

I'm sorry to write that we still have not seen Mabel.  I continue to remain optimistic, but as I said to Fletch, I don't want to have false hope either.  I keep thinking of our little Maestro who disappeared for a week and then my sister-in-law told me of one of their cats, years ago, who vanished..,.and showed up 3 months later!  Miracles do happen.  Meanwhile, I am so appreciative of you all and your concern, your kind words.  I'm thankful to be part of this blogging community.

So, there has been quite a bit going on.  Today is a holiday for my office as well as tomorrow and last week I decided I just didn't want to work on Friday, so I didn't!  Instead I took a lovely 2.5 mile walk along the River Trail in Valley Forge in the early morning.  I pretty much had the place to myself which was lovely  It was a great way to clear my head and boost my mood a bit.

Around 4 p.m., Fletch and I were getting ready to head out to the patio to sit and watch the little wren.  Suddenly Fletch stepped back and pushed me back and said "don't go out on the patio."  When I asked why, he just said SNAKE. all can imagine the words that came out of my mouth!

I managed (from a distance) to get a picture as this evil serpent slithered off the patio onto the lawn.  It was at least 2.5 feet long and was not a garter snake.  Fletch is pretty sure it was a corn snake.  I don't really just needs to be NOT HERE.  Fletch managed to scoop it up with a shovel (it kept falling off, too) and was able to fling it into the woods behind the shed.  One more reason for me to never go back there.  Oy vey!

On a more pleasant note, I mentioned that Fletch and I have been enjoying watching a little wren.  He is the loudest little thing - constantly singing and chattering at the top of his lungs as he builds a nest in one of our birdhouses.

It really is a comedy to watch him.  He brings the longest sticks or twigs to the nest and then has difficulty maneuvering them into the house.  At times there are so many sticks partially in and partially out that it is amazing he can even fly in and out!

And then this morning, this guy greeted me when I came downstairs and turned the coffee on!  What a rack!

Picture taken through the patio door, so a bit on the blurry side, but what a handsome fellow!

After the incident of the evil serpent on the patio, I've been a bit leary of wandering out to the garden (particularly in flip flops), but I did go out yesterday when Fletch was harvesting some things.  First he cut all the garlic scapes.  I need to save some (I like mincing them up in eggs or other dishes).

The beans are finally ready to be harvested.  These are delicious!

I love them just raw, but they are also good lightly steamed.  We had them with crab quiche for dinner last night~

In addition to herbs (parsley, basil, tarregon and thyme), red onion and Jarlsburg cheese, I also added a layer of baby kale to the bottom of the quiche.  So good (also, so rich!!).  There is roughly 3/4 of the quiche left, so plenty of leftovers.

Somehow I managed to drop a saucepan on my big toe yesterday.  OUCH!!!  Luckily the saucepan had already been emptied of the beans and hot, hot, hot water!

Plans for today include taking it easy.  If I can get a sneaker on my foot comfortably (debatable at this point) I may get out for a walk this morning before the humidity builds.  We are back to hazy, hot and humid weather.  We really need rain (again).  We were forecast to have strong storms yesterday, but as often happens, they were all around us, but missing us completely.

Fletch and I plan to run over to Colin & Mailing's this afternoon to water plants, get rid of the junk mail and see if there is anything else to do over there.  Happy 4th of July to everyone - stay safe and keep your animals safe.  Our poor pets are not fond of fireworks.


  1. I've been thinking of you and Mabel all weekend! I will keep everything crossed and hope she turns up soon (maybe she's found her way to someone else's house and they've been taking care of her?). Ugh to the snake and the bruised toe. I hope you aren't in too much pain and can enjoy your extended weekend.

  2. I do hope Mabel returns! I don't mind snakes if they are from afar :)

  3. I was hoping for a happy Mabel update and I'm sad to hear that she hasn't returned. I will hold out hope! I'd be a hell no to that snake, too!

  4. Oh no... I am sending up a flurry of wishes that Mabel returns and soon!

    But that snake! What the heck! Yikes! And your poor toe! I hope that is better sooner!

  5. I'm keeping hope that Mabel makes her grand return soon! We have a male wren with the same behaviors. He sings loud and often and I hope he finds a partner soon. We've harvested our first beans and John has planted four more rows so there will likely be lots more. That crab quiche looks delicious so I thank you for a meal idea for later this week.

  6. I just read an article about pickling garlic scapes--just refrigerator pickling, not canning. Something to try! The photo showed them all coiled around in a short, fat jar. (And I pickle a few green beans now and then the same way--garlicky and dilly--just for snacking.)

    I'm so sorry about Mabel. I keep hoping for her safe return.

  7. OUCH! It is a misery to think about a snake lurking around but at least it is a good snake to rid rodents! I have a wren who has build a nest in my hanging plant--it sure makes it hard to water the plant!!!!

  8. Upsetting. Hoping for the best.

  9. How do you have green beans already? I have nothing that even looks close to a green bean. Still holding positive energy for Mabel.

  10. Owww! Hope your toe is better soon.

    Not sure what is coming into our yard at night, but they keep steeling the rodent bait traps even though they have big rocks on them. 🤨

    Mr. No-shoulders is there to help you. They are great mousers.

  11. Oh Mabel! Please come home!!!!!

    Now I would have been super excited by the snake!!! We are exploding with toads around here.

    Ouch! Your poor toe! Hopefully it's not to painful and heals quick!

  12. Ouch....that must have really hurt!
    I found a snake on my front porch the other morning. I went out to sweep and there it was. It was just a small black snake-but a snake all the same. Not cool. I wanted to burn the house down.

  13. Snakes don't bother me TOO much . . . but they always make me jump! They're freaky things, that's for sure. I will continue sending all my best wishes and jujus for Mabel's return. In the meantime, enjoy watching your garden wildlife! That little wren is adorable -- and her antics will keep you entertained all summer, I'm sure. (And I hope your toe heals quickly. I have done stuff like that before . . . and it is such a hassle.) XO

  14. I could do without snakes in the garden. We have had lots of bird and next building activity here too. Your poor toe! I actually took a bad step yesterday and ended up with a broken foot. I guess my walking routine is going to suffer.

  15. I do not Ike snakes! I’d be paranoid to even step onto the patio. I cringe looking at the bruise on your toe. I bet it still aches a bit. Praying the Mabel finds her way home.

  16. Egad, that snake is a bit much for me. I'm glad Fletch could scoop him up. That toe looks like it could be sore for awhile. Maybe it's a good excuse to put your feet up and knit or stitch or read for awhile. It's certainly hot enough here to stay indoors. That little wren is a character.
