Good Morning My Friends!
Yes, it is another grey day here and rather damp. I fear it will be too wet for a nice fire in the pit this evening. But, it will be so good to see Colin & Mailing anyway. I texted "safe travels" to Col this morning and he replied they have already boarded - a very early flight from Austin!
Meanwhile, here in damp PA, it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.
As I mentioned yesterday, there was no stitching while I was on vacation. I did do a little knitting, but more knitting backwards and then unraveling than anything else! First up, though, there is a finish. Finally the first Berocco Sock was finished the other night. And, sock #2 was started (lest we end up with 2nd sock syndrome...a no-no for sure).
These feel rather rustic to me. I think they will wear well - particularly in a pair of hiking boots. Once sock #2 is finished, these will go into the gift box.
The 2nd project is the purple cowl. Oy vey! That had been in time out and I brought it on vacation hoping it had learned obedience. Apparently not. LOL I ran into the exact same problem at the exact same spot (row #6 in the pattern). I finally ripped it all out and cast on again. The pattern (Abstract Leaves Cowl - free on Ravelry) is a lace pattern of 12 rows repeated twice on #4 needles and then twice again on #3 needles. When I cast on again I was able to get through the first two repeats, changed to my #3 needle and started in on the first 12 rows and yup - once again row 6 is where I screwed up. I know why. I was trying to knit when I was too tired. That is not a good idea for mind wanders and I lose sight of where I am in a pattern. I tried to knit backwards, but that wasn't working. Once again I ripped out the entire mess.
The other night (when I wasn't too tired) I decided to cast on again using the second skein of purple COBASI - cotton/bamboo/silk that I have. Maybe that first skein was cursed? I don't know, but I am more than 1/4 of the way through and it seems to be working.
Fingers crossed that progress will continue! And with the extra yarn (1st skein) I should be able to make a pair of fingerless mitts to go with this cowl.
Not much reading happened on vacation either. "The Women on the Wall" traveled with me. It is a collection of short stories by Wallace Stegner (a favorite author of mine). I re-discovered it in one of my bookcases before we took off on our trip. I read several stories, but since coming home one of the books I was in queue for at the library came in: The Bee Sting by Paul Murray. So far so good. I've only read about 50 pages...I really need to start reading some before late evening. This is a long book and I can't renew it...reading it before bed isn't going to work. Anyway, I'm enjoying the book so far.
Work has been rather busy and will continue to be so, but so far I am keeping up with no problem. Of course, that means not much time for anything else, but I'm closing in on the end (I keep reminding myself of that), so all is good.
Be sure to head over to Kat's for some inspiration and have a wonderful Hump Day!