Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 9/6/23

Greetings My Friends!

 How are you all doing?  I slept in a little bit, feel a trifle groggy (need coffee) and it is already 72 degrees.  Another hot one is on the way.

Look what was in the backyard this morning!

A very nice looking buck!  And when I just stepped back into the kitchen I noticed a second buck had joined the first.  Usually it is just the does who come down to feed on the apples, but these two were browsing and munching away like there was not tomorrow.  Fun to watch and I wonder if we will ever find any antlers on our property...we never have so far.

Also, the garden is still producing!  No BIG tomatoes, but more cukes, a few cherry tomatoes and now, two gorgeous eggplants (there are 7 more that are still growing!!).

Yesterday's trip to the office was a good one.  First of all, Tom from IT (AKA Jake) was there.  He explained that my laptop had been going into hibernation and refusing to come out.  Haha - could be me!  Anyway, it's a known problem with that particular laptop (which begs the question why do you continue to send that particular model out?).  He downloaded some updates for it that "should" take care of the problem.

We were the only two people in the office and then one of the property managers came in with 2 folks who had a meeting in one of our conference rooms.  The property manager asked if I recognized them and I did not.  But when I asked who they were, it turned out that I know the guy - I just had not recognized him.  He went to school (high school) with my little brother!  I knew he worked for my parent company and, over the years, I had seen him occasionally, but this was too funny.  It was good to catch up with him again.

On to the meat of this post.  It's Unraveled Wednesday!  In fact, the first Unraveled Wednesday of September 2023.  Time to link up with Kat and all in the Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  There was not a whole lot of knitting this week thanks to failing plumbing parts, laundromat runs, laptop woes, etc.  Life is busy!

But, I did post a picture at the end of last week of my finished Allsorts socks.  A little too snug for me, so they will go into the gift box.  I've started a new pair (of course) using #2 needles.  I needed something plain to work on when Dee and I meeet up.

Love my Squirrel stitch marker!

The yarn is Berroco Sox (75% superwash wool and 25% nylon) and the colorway is #1445.  The colorway means absolutely nothing to me, but Dee looked it up and the name is Kirkwall.  That also means nothing to me, but apparently it is a town in Scotland.  (Personally, I think they need a bit more creativity in their color names).  The yarn reminds me of Crazy Zauerball.  It was the first skein I saw when I opened a box of yarn stash, so it's the one I picked.  I'm just knitting a plain vanilla sock.

Reading stalled a bit.  I was unable to keep going with "Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers" so I returned that to the library.  I'm not taking anything out from the library till after vacation (I'm in queue for a few and hopefully they will hold off coming in).  Instead I picked up one of the books that I found at a thrift shop for 25 cents:  Sue Monk Kidd's "The Mermaid Chair."  It feels a little like a summer beach read (maybe because it takes place on an island in South Carolina?). I'm roughly 150 pages in and am enjoying it.  

Fletch and I are continuing to enjoy "The Unbroken Road" by Patrick Leigh Fermor.

Now I need to plan/figure out vacation knitting and reading (and I'll throw my stitching bag in as well).  Today, though, we have plans to get our new licenses.  Both of ours expire this month.  I renewed them both on line and the paperwork has arrived...but we need to go to one of the "centers" to have photos taken, etc.  Fingers crossed it will not be crowded there.

Head on over to Kat's to see what everyone else is making and reading and have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Your comment about the laptop model with the known issue reminds me of that old saying about the definition of stupidity being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I hope the fix works, but it's got to be a relief knowing that it's not you!

    I like the new sock yarn a lot, even if it's lacking an exciting name. I think plain vanilla will show off the colors the best.

  2. Your eggplants are beautiful! John doesn't grow them because he doesn't like them but they sure are pretty. As are your socks! They are really nice and colorful. I had to check goodreads to see what I thought of Vera Wong; it was an entirely forgettable book for me. It seems that I thought the best writing was about the teas she brewed, which doesn't say much for a mystery story!

  3. Your eggplants are lovely... that color! (I wish I liked them more, but maybe I would like the version you grow... hmmm) I have a hold that came in... and I am hoping one more will get there so I can pick both up at once (one is "enroute" lol)

    Colorway name or number aside, those are lovely socks! And yes... it is very much like Zauberball Crazy! I love that dark ply running through!

  4. Rick is not a fan of eggplant, so I'll just appreciate yours vicariously. Yours are lovely, and I know you'll do something delicious with them.

    What a sweet deer!

  5. Glad the laptop is going to do better now! Too bad you couldn't just 'update' the washer software! lol The new socks do look like Zauberwall but the color is amazing no matter what the name!

  6. Wow! Handsome buck. For the first time in about 3 years we saw deer in the green belt next to our driveway. They almost got hit by a car when they crossed over Butler. I'm sure the driver almost pooped his pants.

  7. That new yarn is gorgeous! I love what those colors are doing.

  8. that is a beautiful colorway, very autumnal feeling!!

  9. Oh how I wish we had deer visiting... but then again they'd probably eat all my flowers.
    We do see lots of them around when we are driving, but we are too far in town to actually get them in the yard. Dave showed me where there's a bald eagle's nest though - we are going to go back this weekend with my big camera to get pictures.

    The new socks look great!

  10. I remember the title “Mermaid’s Chair” and reading it, but I don’t remember the plot since it was several years ago. The new sock yarn is pretty.

  11. I've enjoyed several of SMK's books but haven't read Mermaid's Chair - it looks good! as does your new sock!

  12. I love the new sock yarn, Vera. It will make a great "plain vanilla" sock. And maybe you should just come up with your own, alternate name for the colorway???

  13. What a gorgeous buck! At my library, patrons can "suspend holds" for a specific amount of time when they are going away. You might want to check and see if your library offers that service so that you don't miss out out any titles while on vacation.

  14. Your life does sound busy. What a handsome fellow in your yard. The new sock yarn will make a nice vanilla - not so vanilla - sock. Enjoy your vacation.
