Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 9/13/23

 Good Morning My Friends!

I woke in the night to strong thunder and lightening.  The kind that lights up the entire room even with your eyes closed.  We had some rain, but not really enough to move the gauge any.  And, I believe it is supposed to rain pretty much all day.

I've watered all the house plants and today I will harvest the 8 or so eggplants hanging on the plants.  I don't want them to be damaged or eaten (!) while we are gone.  Then I need to figure out what to pack and get that done.  I'm known for ALWAYS over packing, but this time of year is tricky with temps that can be all over the place.

Yesterday afternoon while Fletch and I were sipping our beverages on the patio we watched one adult and 3 young bluebirds flying around.  And then a yellow warbler (not a regular visitor) showed up.  We are hoping to see lots and lots of birds on our trip - hopefully ones that we don't normally see around here.  It is migration season, so fingers crossed.

It is now Wednesday morning and time to link up with Kat for Unraveled Wednesday.  This is where we gather to talk making and reading.  

Not a whole lot of knitting has gone on.  I've been busy with other things (plumbers, pre-vacation-getting-ready, work, etc.).  Perhaps another 10 or so rows have been added to my sock:

As of right now, my decision for another project to take on my trip is the Abstract Leaves Cowl that I started (what seems like) eons ago:

This was put aside when I kept making the same mistake on the same row.  I must have knit that row backwards 3 or 4 times.  I'm hoping it has learned obedience while in time out.

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind on projects right up until the minute before we jump in the car and leave.  I can always throw in an extra project bag!  LOL

Similarly, reading has been slow due to just being busy or too tired to concentrate.  I did finish The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd and I enjoyed it.  I don't think it was as good as "The Secret Life of Bees," but it is a worthy read and kept my attention.

Another thing I will do today is go through the bookcase in the bedroom and choose a book or two to take on vacation.  I have not started anything new (yet).  I'm leaning towards a Wallace Stegner book or one by Toni Morrison...or both!  And, of course, I will throw in the book that Fletch and I are still reading after dinner ("The Unbroken Road" by Patrick Leigh Fermor).

I hope this Wednesday finds you well.  I will not be posting while we are gone and my blog reading will be sporadic (hopefully I'll be busy doing other fun things!!).  I'll be back next week!


  1. I'm glad to hear that your pre-vacation preparations are being completed and I hope you have a relaxing and wonderful time! I hope you see and hear lots of birds and other sights and come back rested and refreshed. Your sock is looking good and maybe that cowl has finally learned how to behave. Have fun!

  2. I certainly hope that cowl has learned its lesson in its time in timeout and all goes smoothly now! I'm also an overpacker, so I have no tips for you. I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing trip!

  3. You're an ambitious packer, I think, seeing lots of potential in yourself and your time on vacation. Who knows what awaits you? Whatever it is, you'll be ready!

  4. Have a fantastic trip! And I hope you see lots and lots of birds! I am going to try and be smart about packing for our trip (we always take way too much stuff!) and I hope your packing goes well today! XO

  5. Safe travels and have a great time!

  6. I love to see what you are reading. You read across such a wide range and I love that. Enjoy the vacation!

  7. I always pack too much too and end up bringing things back home. I was sure I would finish a pair of socks while we were gone, but I only finished one sock and the other to the heel turn.
    I hope you're vacation is a lovely one and you come home relaxed and ready to tackle the world. We both came home sick! :-)

  8. It poured here yesterday afternoon while the sun was out. It was crazy looking. Somewhere there was an awesome rainbow but we didn't see it.

  9. Have a wonderful time! Lovin' that sock yarn!

  10. Hope you found something awesome to bring with you to read! Have a fantastic vacation!

  11. Have a wonderful trip - and I vote for ALL the books and at least a few knitting projects. Never know what mood might strike and you need to be prepared!!

  12. Have a GREAT vacation, Vera! I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures when you return. XO

  13. Have a wonderful time. I agree with Mary, a few books and an extra project would be good. It never hurts to be over- prepared for reading and stitching. I remember enjoying The Mermaid's Chair one summer.

  14. Loving the sock so far - great colours. Have a wonderful trip!

  15. Your sock yarn is fab! And I love the colour of your cowl :)
