Bonjour and Hello,
I'm posting a little later today. We have a snowy winter wonderland outside and I decided to fix breakfast for my love and me (bacon & eggs, pastry for Fletch, English muffin for moi). One load of wash is in the dryer and another in the washer, so it has been a productive morning.
A snowy feeder and Cardinals in the bushes. (The pole keeps the feeder propped up high enough that Mabel cannot jump into it...)
Those are Mabel's footprints going out into the backyard. There are deer tracks all over the place and the birds have been feeding (only a junco at my window feeder though). Yesterday I ventured out the front door and poked around in the ice to find the piece of the feeder that Mr. Squirrel had removed. I found it, almost slipped on the ice, and then re-filled that front feeder with the "hot seed." While poking around, I saw buds on my lilac!!
They are small, but they are there. And now they are covered in snow. The "white stuff" in the picture is the ice that is still on the flower bed.
Of course, tomorrow it is forecast to be 50 degrees with rain...which will make a mess of everything. Then the temps will drop in the evening into the 20s which means the mess will freeze...sigh. And, Colin told me that one of his employees said they saw that we could have a MAJOR storm next Thursday with 15" of snow! I'm not looking that far ahead and anyway, by the time that date rolls around the forecast will have changed.
So, it's Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk about making and reading. On the making side of things, my Eye of the Partridge heel flap is finally finished. Whew! That sure took a long time. I hope to turn the heel today and then rapidly progress down the foot. That would be nice. Time will tell...
This past week was another good one for reading. I finished reading Braided Creek which is the collection of Haiku-like poems that Ted Kooser and Jim Harrison sent to each other. It is a wonderful book. Some are funny, many are poignant, and all tend to be soothing. Highly recommend.
I also read Blue Light Hours by Bruna Dantas Lobato and loved it. This is a book I learned about through Mary's blog. Based on her review and recommendation, I requested it from my library. It came in within a couple of days and I picked it up after lunch one day. I read half the book in one sitting and would have finished it except that someone was hungry for dinner (not me and not Mabel). A wonderful, beautiful book filled with love and yearning. Again, highly recommend.
And, I am still plugging away on "The Secret History" for our RWU group. I'm past the halfway mark and am still not fond of the characters or the story, but the writing is just so good!
And that does it for me! Time to rinse out my coffee cup, check the laundry and do a few things. I hope your Wednesday is a good one!