Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 7/19/23

 Hello My Friends!

Well, after too little sleep Sunday night due to frolicking with friends and then very poor sleep Monday night...last night I managed to sleep over 9 hours!  So I'm a little dopey or groggy this morning due to extra slumber rather than too little.  

We had a very nice visit and lunch with Linda (my SIL) yesterday and after lunch she and I walked a little over 2 miles on the River Trail in Valley Forge.  It was nice, but very hot and humid (my car said 92 degrees) and my back was not happy and my tee shirt was soaking wet when we got back to the car.

Seeing as it is Wednesday, it is time to link up with Kat and all in the Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  I love Wednesdays!

Guess what!!??!!  The great green blob Hitchhiker is finished!!  Woo-Hoo.  Late last week I finally just said to myself "get it done for God's sake!"  So I did.  

I have not yet blocked it.  The humidity level is so high (and has been) that it would take FOREVER to dry.  I will get to that later.  If you click to enlarge, you will see the eyelet rows that are so delicate and pretty.  I think I could have done one more pattern (8 rows), but it would have been too close a call for comfort and I'm not one to play yarn chicken.  As it turns out, there are 35 points or teeth.  I used a #4 needle.  The yarn is my Machete Shoppe (Twist Sock, 80/20 Merino/nylon) and the colorway is Douglas Fir.

There has also been progress on the second PairFect Sock!!

The heel has been turned, gussett stitches picked up and then decreased and as of last night I am roughly 1/3 of the way down the foot.  Much faster than Sock #1.  Another couple of nights and these will be finished!

As for reading, the other night when sleep eluded me and I finally got up and turned the light on, I finished Weyward which was ok...not great, but ok.  Last night I started Instructions for a Heat Wave by Maggie O'Farrell.  I am about 60 pages into it.  Definitely not Hamnet or The Marriage Portrait, but I'm enjoying it.  My turn in the queue came up for The Bandit Queens so that is now sitting on my night stand and is next in line when I finish Heat Wave. 

Fletch and I are continuing with H is for Hawk and enjoying listening to that after dinner.

Well, time for me to get moving.  I've got a cake to make and a side dish that we will take to Bonny & Zhongren's tonight.  Mailing is in town for a week and we are having dinner at her parents tonight.  Cannot wait to see her!  Have a great Wednesday and be sure to head over to Kat's for inspiration!


  1. Looks like your week has been very good. I envy your two mile walk.

  2. Hitchhiker looks great. You'll have that second sock done in no time. So, what are you bringing on Saturday???

  3. Lovely Hitchhiker, Vera! That will be a treat come October!!

  4. Your hitchhiker is beautiful and I sure hope there's an end to this high humidity for all of us really soon! I loved Weyward, sorry it didn't hit the same way for you.

  5. Oh it looks gorgeous. Your weather sounds pretty horrendous. In the UK we've had quite a bit of rain, but some lovely sunshine today. Stay safe.

  6. What a beautiful hitchhiker, so pretty and green!! That would go with a lot in my wardrobe.

  7. Woo hoo for the Hitchhiker finish! It's such a good practical project that always gets a lot of use. Although I have to say I barely took mine out of the closet last year it was such a mild winter.

  8. I'm glad you finally got some sleep and finished your Hitchhiker! It is really lovely and will be great to wear in the fall. Like you, I didn't even think about blocking mine since it's way too humid to dry. Maybe in September! I'm not a huge fan of O'Farrell's earlier writing, but she sure peaked with Hamnet and The Marriage Portrait!

  9. Beautiful projects! Since I am late at reading this, I hope you are having a great time at dinner!

  10. oh your finished Hitchhiker looks great - I hope you can block it soon! I read Maggie O'Farrell mostly back to front - I think you're going to find her earlier works a marked change from Hamnet and Marriage Portrait. They're good ... just really different.

  11. Your Hitchhiker turned out so pretty. I blocked the shawl I knitted on vacation for the wedding but I think it might be too small for what I wanted. I'm torn between wearing it as is, or unpicking the bind-off and adding to it. What a pain that would be and not sure I have time because I've also been asked to make THREE sweaters for the flower girls and they have to be finished by September 1! Yikes.
    Great job on the walk. I just can't do it in this heat and humidity. But I should.

  12. If you look on the bright side of things…..finishing your Hitchhiker means you’ll definitely have something green to wear come March - on St Patrick’s Day that is 😊

  13. Count me in as another reader who (ahem) likes O'Farrell's later works much more than her early ones. But that's okay! There are plenty of good books to go around! :-) I love your green Hitchhiker, and the socks are terrific! I hope the heat and humidity subsides soon . . . I am keeping a very low profile about the weather these days. While the rest of the country suffers, we're enjoying a delightful summer here in Michigan. (For now. . . )

  14. Hooray for a finished Hitchhiker! It looks great even unblocked, and I certainly hope that you have a day with less humidity soon so you can block it.

    I found Instructions for a Heatwave to be a decent read but nowhere near her most recent books.

  15. I love the hitchhiker, eyelets and all. It looks so pretty. I hope you enjoyed your visit with your daughter-in-law and her parents. It's always nice to see people in person instead of over FaceTime.
