Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thursday and It Is Still HOT 7/6/23

 Hello My Friends,

Nice to know I am not the only cranky lady out there!  The grandkids were over next door yesterday,  but I noticed it was a little quieter.  Perhaps even they are being subdued by the heat and humidity?  Or was it that there wasn't as large an audience to watch their antics?  Whatever the reason, I was thankful!

I forgot to mention yesterday that ice cream was indeed made on the 4th.  I brought the ice cream maker up from the basement, pulled the bowl out of the freezer and turned it on.  All sounded well, so I pulled the ingredients together for a basic vanilla ice cream and voila!  In less than 1/2 hour it was ready.  And delicious!  Next up may be our favorite lemon sorbet.  Very refreshing.  

Yesterday I decided to make Vietnamese Spring Rolls with a peanut dipping sauce.  This is what I said I would bring to Kym's Virtual BBQ but I think I've changed my mind.  Here's what I made:

Inside is lettuce, carrots, red and yellow bell pepper strips, cucumber and a bit of mango and/or nectarine.  I had red cabbage out and completely forgot to add that.  Fletcher initially pronounced them quite refreshing, but then said they were sort of meh (he did not use the peanut dipping sauce).  I thought they tasted good, but they were a little difficult and very messy to eat...and after holding one for a bit it began to fall apart.  So...I have more rice papers (I think there were close to 20 in the package) and I might give them another try - perhaps with some shrimp or crispy tofu in them.  But not today and not tomorrow.  And not for Kym's virtual BBQ - I will forward her a different recipe for a very tasty eggplant side dish that we love.

Yesterday also found Fletch harvesting the last of the garlic.  Here is this year's haul:

Can't wait for this to dry a bit so that I can use it.  Garden garlic on home-made pizza is the BEST!!

Well, it's Thursday morning and that means it is time to run and distribute (e-mail) my weekly financial reports.  I'd best get going.  Have a wonderful Thursday!  We are on the cusp of the weekend!  


  1. Those egg rolls look good, but I'm sorry they weren't worth all the effort you put into chopping ingredients. Last night I grilled chicken with peanut sauce. John thinks peanut butter is just for pb&j but I love peanut sauce. Have a good Thursday!

  2. I am with Bonny on loving the peanut sauce... I make some Thai noodles with a peanut sauce and it is so so so good! John is missing out on one of the best things in life!

  3. I can't wait to see your eggplant recipe! (I'm always on the lookout for good eggplant recipes . . . ) I'm sorry the spring rolls were not the hit you were hoping for -- especially because they were so labor intensive. (And I wonder how anyone can bypass peanut sauce . . . because YUM.)

  4. Clearly I am missing out because I have never had/made peanut sauce! It seems like something Rick would not like much, but it can't hurt to try.

    This heat is taking it out of me. 90 again today, and I am hibernating indoors to escape the horrid humidity. Ugh.

  5. Glad the ice cream maker worked just fine. Lemon sorbet sounds like just the thing for these brutally hot days.

  6. We finally have some relief in the weather today and hopefully it's headed your way!!

  7. That's quite a haul of garlic! And, FYI, I'm in my office at work and listening to children squealing out at the circulation desk. Sigh.

  8. I've seen so many videos of folks wrapping stuff up in those rice papers and it looks so easy and delicous. I've never tried it. I have a hard enough time making dumplings out of wonton wrappers. I even cheat and buy the tofu filling pre-made from the Chinese restaurant.

  9. That's a lot of garlic! I'm eager for ours to be done.

  10. Happy July! Y'all have had a full week and I'm sending wishes for a calmer weekend - no wildlife, something yummy to eat with that gorgeous garlic, more points on your green blob, and good time with your books.

  11. Never had homemade ice cream and if it's ready in less than an hour, I need to use my bonus $$$ and get a maker!

  12. oh my those spring rolls look so so good!

  13. A big storm and front blew through our area on the evening of the 4th. The temperatures have been wonderful ever since. Yesterday's high was 79 and it was so refreshing. I hope the wind blows some relief in your direction. The Spring Rolls sound great to me.

  14. Can you share what ice cream maker you have? I've been tempted to purchase before but was always doubtful about the efficacy of the makers. I'd appreciate a recommendation. Thanks.
