Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 7/18/23

 Good Morning All,

How are you?  I am doing well despite a hard time sleeping last night.  I could not keep my eyes open at 10:30, so went up to bed.  At 1:30 I was still awake.  I finally got up and read for an hour and then was able to sleep.  So, living on too few hours of rest with my SIL coming for lunch.  Luckily that will be an easy meal and the only prep I need to do is cutting up a bunch of raw veggies to go with the chicken salad I bought yesterday.

In the past week I managed to do a little stitching on both samplers.  The Samplers Aux Bouquets by Jardin Prive had a big heart added as well as leaves on the potted plant below the house.

Of course there was some frogging (ripping back).  When I got close to finishing the outline of the heart, it was not lining up correctly.  Yup, I had skipped one stitch instead of two near the top.  Rip, Rip, Rip  Now it meets up as it should.

Autumn Posy by Plum Street Samplers is nearing the end.  Another berry has been added to the mix and the outline of the last flower has been started.

This is such a pleasing piece to work on that I am going to miss it when it is finished.  But, I do have new things lined up and ready to go!

Despite being on vacation, I did manage to do a bit lot of work yesterday.  It's ok because it was on my time, my schedule.  Not sure what today will bring...time will tell.  And I'm happy to have done what I did so that it wasn't piling up for me for Thursday morning.

If you read my post yesterday you saw the picture of the little fawn resting on our lawn.  After I hit publish and walked into the kitchen I noticed that the fawn's twin had joined him/her.  So friggin' cute!

This morning I'm planning to drop off a book at the library (finished at 2:00 this morning!) and spend time with my knitting and/or stitching.  My SIL will text when she is on her way over - most likely not till late morning.  Whatever this Tuesday brings you, I hope it is filled with fun!


  1. Your Monday sounds like it was somewhat relaxing and I hope your Tuesday is much the same. The heart and bouquet on the larger sampler are charming and the autumn piece is lovely and makes me wish for autumn weather even more. Those fawns are doubly cute together!

  2. Sadly, we were sleep twins last night... or should I say our lack of sleep! The dragging feeling is just miserable. I am sending you some energy to get your lunch done! (and beautiful stitching as always!)

  3. Love those tumbling strawberries.

    I just made some curried chicken salad and it was delicious. It's such a great thing for these stuffy, hot days.

    It must be Fawn Season. I just saw one in someone's driveway with mama close by; mama was munching on a mouthful of recently mown grass. The day before, we saw one along the highway, cautiously peeking out from the treeline. I'm always so captivated by deer. (You can tell they don't frequent my yard!)

  4. Those little fawns are just adorable, Vera! There is a fawn that hangs out/sleeps in my neighbor's lawn every day. I can see it from my upstairs window, and I check in on it whenever I'm home. Enjoy your time with your SIL today. (And I'm sorry about your poor sleep. It's such a drag to suffer through insomnia stretches. . . )

  5. Awwwww...such sweet babies! Have a good visit with SIL.

  6. Sorry for the sleeplessness but you will be fine until your sil leaves and then you can crash! lol

  7. Love the two stitching projects: the top one is unique and lovely!

  8. Does it seem like there are more twins than usual this year? We are seeing lots of twins (or the one pair is really getting around, but I don't think so!).

  9. My friend had the office over for lunch one day and her chicken salad was fabulous, and on a large croissant. OH!!! Now that you've reminded me of that, I won't rest until I have one.

  10. I hate when that happens with outlining and making borders meet up. I actually get nervous when I get to that point in a project because I've had it go wrong so many times. I am in awe of that Jardin Prive sampler. There's so much going on there and it's all so lovely.

  11. I wonder what's in the air that's giving us all a hard time when it comes to sleeping lately? I also had a rough time Monday night, despite having done a hard run in humidity and smoky air and worked a full day, and I can only partially blame my husband's snoring because I quickly left to sleep in another room when I couldn't get him to stop.

    Love the twin fawns! If only the deer could stick to being cute and not eat people's plants!

  12. I had a few sleepless nights earlier in the week too. I blame it on my shoulder and arm. Your stitching is always beautiful. The little fawns are very sweet. We saw a few in Minnesota in the woods.
