Monday, July 17, 2023

Weekending 7/17/23

 Hey-Hey and Good Morning,

Posting a bit later than usual.  Our weekend was full.  Leslie, Jaimie and Emory arrived yesterday and we drank a lot of wine and talked and laughed an awful lot.  It was wonderful!  And now they have taken off and I miss those girls already.

Took that picture just before they pulled out this morning.  They are now on their way to Rhode Island on their annual Girls' Road Trip.  Leslie is my friend (since we were 12 years old!!) who just went through another round of cancer.  That girl has had more than her share and it needs to STOP.  But what a fabulous attitude she has.

This morning over coffee we watched some deer foraging for apples in our yard.  We also watched one vacuum up eat all the spent Rose of Sharon blooms on the ground.  I had no idea they ate those!  And just a few minutes ago I was watching one of the fawns (we have twins) wandering around and then he/she just bent his/her knees and laid down for a little rest.  Too cute!

I decided to take a few days of vacation - today, tomorrow and Wednesday.  With the girls not leaving until today, I didn't want to have to work early.  Tomorrow my sister-in law will be in the area and is coming for lunch and Wednesday I need to cook in the morning.  Mailing is flying in today and we will see her Wednesday night for dinner at her parents - we are bringing a side dish and dessert.  So, I just decided I really didn't want to work early this week.  LOL.  I will check e-mail and if anyone needs something they can let me know, but I won't be tied to the screen!

Hopefully today will provide a lot of opportunity for knitting and stitching.  How was your weekend?


  1. You had a very full weekend. Now I want a deer that will come and vacuum up all my spent Rose of Sharon blooms.

    I'm looking back over the weekend in my mind, and except for meeting up with you, not a whole lot got done. But, it wasn't a BAD weekend.

  2. What a terrific weekend you had and it's also lovely to hear that the start of this week will be more relaxed without work! Enjoy all the visits and have fun!

  3. what a fun weekend!! Glad you took time off.

  4. So nice to visit but then it reminds you of how much you miss them when they have to leave again! Rest up and enjoy a few days off!

  5. I am so glad you had such a lovely visit! (and YAY for vacation days on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... that makes for the perfect work week, IMO!!)

  6. So glad you had a wonderful visit! My best friend Sam and I have known each other since I was 12 (she was 13). We live only an hour and a half apart (and that's the longest distance since we've known each other) and we still only see each other a couple times a year. We talk daily - and since the rise of instant messaging, sometimes several times a day.

  7. I love that photo of one of your little fawns. I hope you enjoy your work free few days!

  8. How nice to have a girl's weekend with your friends! I'm not on speaking terms with our deer. I have a yard full of weeds right now but they are eating my hostas to the ground again this year. I've tried every trick but they don't care. Hostas must be hella good.

  9. I'm glad to hear you had such a lovely visit -- and that you're taking some time off! It's always nice to visit with friends over a weekend, but then you've lost that weekend time. I hope work leaves you alone so you can get done what needs to and relax the rest of the time!

  10. It sounds like your weekend was a great one. I'm glad you had such a great time and I hope your friend avoids any more cancer. It's such a horrible thing. You've got a busy week ahead don't you? Enjoy yourself.

  11. I spent the weekend being lazy and recharging. I’m glad Leslie is feeling better and that you had a wonderful visit.

  12. Enjoy those few days off. Sounds like you will be busy!

  13. so glad you enjoyed a good visit ... and now you're preparing for another one. vacation days sound like a very good idea - and I hope YOU also get some time to stitch, read, and maybe just relax!!

  14. Enjoy a few days off and your visits. July is the perfect time to kick back and relax a little.
