Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 8/16/23

 Good Morning!

How are you mid-week?  I'm doing well.  Just took my first sip of morning coffee.  Yum.  Today I brewed my coffee with some cinnamon sprinkled on top of the grounds - quite tasty.

Mid-August and mid-week...time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Come on and join in - you know you will find inspiratioin all over the place!  My making these days seems to be a little more focusesd on stitching, but since I showed that yesterday, today it will be all about the knitting.

My second Allsorts sock is coming along nicely:

Hard to tell from this picture, but my stitchmarker is a tiny flip flop - too cute.  I've 10 more rows to knit before the heel flap.  With any luck, I will get there today.

My Shakerag skirt looks just like last week, but trust me - a few rows have been added.

This is not a difficult pattern by any means.  BUT...the rows are so long I find myself getting bored.  I rarely do more than one row at a time.  Then I need to stand up and take a break.  At this rate, the skirt might be finished in 2025, but I'm not positive about that.  LOL  I just need to sit down and DO IT, or rather KNIT it.

On to the reading portion of this post.  I finished A Place in the World by Frances Mayes and thoroughly enjoyed it.  An easy, pleasant read with recipes!!

I had plans to next read "The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida" for our "Read With Us" book discussion coming up in a month, but Tom Lake by Ann Patchett came available for me.  One day I was #35 in the queue and the next day I received an email telling me it was ready to pick up!  I'm about halfway through it and it is good.  I would not call it great, but it's kind of a good summer read.  Ann Patchett is an author whose writing I enjoy, but I would not say I am swooning over this - I am finding it very easy to put down and go do something else...or read something else.

Anyway, I need to step up my reading as when I looked at my requests, I'm in the 1st spot for several of them.  Isn't that the way it always goes?  All your holds come in at once!  As I've said before, a wealth of books is not a bad thing to have.

Time to pour another cup of coffee and get moving.  Be sure to head over to Kat's to see what everyone is up to this week.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Isn't it funny how a stitch marker can delight us? I have a turtle one and a frog one that I love to see when i knit. so simple!!

  2. I find it so interesting how so many of us wind up reading the same books at the same time (and I'm not talking about RWU books, either). I just started Tom Lake before bed last night. I only managed a handful of pages but am looking forward to getting into it more. Love that stitch marker!

  3. Hooray for Allsorts! Those socks are looking good and you've gotten quite a bit done since I last saw it on Saturday. I love the color of your skirt, and I think the Knitting Police understand the very long rows and will not issue a citation. You might be one of your library's favorite patrons to move up from #35 to #1 overnight!

  4. Those socks are looking very good! I think August is the perfect month for sock making... it feels very "change-ish" here and I am thinking about what is coming next and feel the urge to get a few more pairs of socks done!

    I am loving Tom Lake... and perhaps it is because of Michigan. Traverse City. Cherries. Summer Theater. It all feels very, very nostalgic to me... and I am loving every bit of it and want to stay in Northern Michigan for the foreseeable future! LOL

  5. I can see the patterning on your skirt taking shape. Very pretty.
    I'm still knitting away on the baby blanket, having the same issue you are with the skirt. Long rows make me frustrated/bored, too. And 3X3 ribbing--ugh. After about four rows, I'm ready to scream.

  6. I'm having the same problem with Dad's sweater - the rows are long and booooooooooooring. I just keep singing to myself like Dory... just keep knitting, just keep knitting..

  7. I listen to most of my books on audio using the Libby app from our library. That way I can knit and read at the same time. :-) I have several books on hold and wouldn't be surprised to have them come in at the same time. That always seems to happen to me too.
    Your sock is looking good and I can commiserate on the long rows for your skirt. I feel that way about the shawl I'm working on. Hopefully it will be finished today.
    Meanwhile, I want to enjoy the last 80+ degree day today before we skyrocket up again.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I thoroughly enjoy the second sock bc I know I am very close to having a pair

  9. The All Sorts yarn is calling my name. It might be time to make a yarn purchase.

  10. Love the sock, and I hear you on those long rows! I liked Tom Lake a lot, and I played Mrs. Gibbs in my HS production of Our Town!

  11. That is the way the library holds go - for sure. It's nice to see the second All Sorts sock.
