Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday Produce

 Hello My Friends,

Welcome to Friday.  I'm so glad it's here.  The week has been gorgeous (weather-wise) but it has felt very long.  Work once again has been crazy busy (summers have never been crazy busy before - weird).  I've a couple of conference calls (10 a.m. and 1 p.m.) and hopefully after the last of them I can move into full weekending mode!

We had a surprise call from Colin yesterday (surprise because we usually talk on the weekends, so this was a nice change).  They are back from the Bahamas where they had a wonderful time.  They stayed in a remote area where there was not much to do (other than kayaking, snorkling, swimming, eating conch salad and feeding stingrays, etc., etc.) and he said it was wonderful to have 6 days together with absolutely nothing they had to do.  Sounds good to me!

While Fletch was talking with him, I wandered around the yard.  I picked some more apples!

Last night I tried one of them (the tiny one, top center) and it was not good.  Boo-Hoo.  It had just about no flavor whatsoever.  We will try another one or two and hope that they will be better.

That bowl, by the way is gorgeous.  I should take a picture of it empty.  My SIL bought it for me.  The potter used a doily and pressed it into the clay when it was still damp, so the inside of the bowl is patterned with the doily.  So pretty!

Continuing my walk around the yard, I went into the garden and discovered the jalapenos are finally producing!

Also, the yellow squash has finally gotten to a size worth picking!

This particular brand is named "Smooth Criminal" - LOL.  Fletch got the seeds from his brother in Virginia.

On the menu tonight is green bean casserole using beans from the garden.  Fletch is going to grill lamb chops.  Yum!!

I failed to get a picture, but Fletch finally picked the first cherry tomatoes!  There were 6 and we munched them right down at lunch yesterday.

Garden bounty!  Nothing better.  Wishing you all a wonderful, bountiful weekend!


  1. when our son calls at random times, I love it! Same with my daughter. They are all so busy so when they have time and think of me, my heart swells.

  2. My son is likewise a random time caller! I do so love his spontaneity! I have been picking (and eating!!) tomatoes... these Tomato Days of Summer... the best!

  3. All of your produce sounds delightful (except maybe those apples)! I was happy to get most of ours dealt with yesterday. After giving some away, I made three quarts of dill spears, froze grated zucchini from some baseball bat-sized ones, will be making a zucchini casserole tonight, and am eating loads of cherry tomatoes. Have a happy weekend, Vera!

  4. What beautiful produce from the garden! I hope the apples improve in taste! Agreed--there's nothing like a good call from your son/daughter!

  5. Too bad about your apples. There's nothing you can do if they have no flavour except toss them out for the wildlife.

    My jalapenos are coming on as well. It's amazing how much two little plants can produce.

    Enjoy your weekend. The call from Colin gives you a happy start.

  6. I'm sorry to hear the apples don't have much taste. I suppose you'll just have to turn them into sauce or pie or something so you can add some flavor! We've had an abundance of grape tomatoes, but I think we've now eaten the first round and have to wait a bit for more. I have a couple of big tomatoes just starting to ripen and finally spotted the first tiny zucchinis!

    Hope your weekend gets off to a good start this afternoon!

  7. It's so wonderful to grow, pick and eat your own produce and I'm glad to hear you are reaping the benefits of all that work. Bummer about the apples, though!

  8. That's a shame about the apples. Maybe you just got a bum one.

  9. That's a nice little harvest you had there! I'm not sure what's going on with apples anymore. Even the store ones have no flavor. They all seem bitter to me.

  10. Catching up! It's been a week. Isn't it great to reap what we sow? Last night we made a Greek fish dish with leeks, zucchini, sage & parsley that we grew -- there was very little on my shopping list for that meal. Have a wonderful weekend, Vera!


  11. Awesome produce!!!!
    I brought a big jar of cucumbers in vinegar for Dad when I came from the weekend last night. And a bag of peas and beans for Mom. She took them to work with her today for her lunch.
    Dave won't pick them (too many bees in the garden for him, lol) so I wanted to pick everything that would "overgrow" while I was gone for three days! You really have to stay on top of that with a veg garden, I'm finding out!

  12. We have tomatoes from the Sweet Millions, slicers aren't ready. Hot peppers are big, bells are small. I haven't had a good apple from our local orchard for two years. And no one has had Gala for a long while, including the orchard.

  13. Waiting for the late summer things to ripen--we have tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers getting going, and maybe zucchini? And I'm not sure what is happening with the potatoes.

  14. Garden bounty is wonderful. Yours is producing at a good clip. What will you do with the yellow squash? I roasted and froze a bunch of cherry tomatoes this week. We have a lot of them. I find one cup of roasted cherry tomatoes makes a good pizza topping/sauce.
