Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 8/8/23

 Good Morning!

The air feels somewhat fresher this morning.  We had a major storm warning last night.  There was wind.  Also thunder and lightening.  But we did not get all that much rain.  Nothing measurable in the rain gauge.  My brother and SIL in Delaware had a lot of rain though.  Just depends on where you are I guess.

I slept in this morning and am on the groggy side, but let's talk TNT or Tiny Needle Tuesday.  A few more things were added to the Sampler Aux Bouquets.  A couple of new motifs and some more letters in the alphabet that was started a bit back.

I stitched the vase at the bottom yesterday afternoon and that was a PITA.  It was so humid that the linen and the floss were both sticking to my fingers.  LOL  Here's an overall shot of where the sampler is as of today.

Still an enormous amount to be stitched.  Luckily this is still fun.

I had mentioned that Colin sent me a cross stitch kit from Guadalupe National Park.  This is what he sent:

And here is my start:

LOL - not much!  The kit came with 18 count Aida cloth which I am unable to stitch on, so I dug into my stash and found a piece of 36 count white linen.  I am stitching over 2 threads, so it will end up being the same size as the kit.  I am using the threads provided in the kit - they are all DMC threads, so if I run out, that will not be a problem.  Hopefully I'll have a bit more progress to show on this one next week.

Well, time for me to get motivated.  I want/need to do some chores this morning (cleaning bathrooms and getting bath rugs and towels washed) before we go grocery shopping.  First, however, I definitely need more coffee.

Wishing you all a lovely Tuesday - enjoy!


  1. So much stitching going on among the handicrafting bloggers. I will stay in my lane with knitting.

    We had lots of rain yesterday in NEO, and the humidity remains today.UGH. The garden, of course, is thrilled, along with my hanging ferns. I just want to be able to open my windows again to fresh, drier air.

  2. That piece is really amazing. I don’t know much about cross stitch. Is 36 a larger or smaller graph? The cactus will be a fun change.

  3. That new kit looks like it will be a lot of fun!

  4. That sampler is just wonderful! I love the keys and the size is impressive. I'm also glad that it continues to be fun. Colin's sampler looks like fun, too. Have a good Tuesday!

  5. That sampler is LOOOOONG! It is really looking beautiful.

  6. I Vera. I caught up on your posts and was glad to hear that you talked to Colin. I know how happy we are to hear from Alex and Jamie too. That sampler is great. I really like all of the designs in it but I know how annoying it is when it's humid out. I was having that problem with the sweaters last week.
    Take care my friend.

  7. My son brought me a sampler to stitch from China and I haven't touched it. It's beautiful but it's just so pretty in its little kit down in the pretty bag it came in. I take it out and look at it from time to time and then put it back on the shelf...lol.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I had no idea the sampler was loooooooonggggg. It could be a bunchof little samplers, but it is really exquisite.

  10. We had ominous skies and tornado warnings in the area yesterday but didn't get much rain. It is, however, much less humid and delightful out today! I love that Colin knew exactly what you would like and sent you that little sampler.

  11. The sampler is coming along nicely. I'm glad you are still enjoying it. The weather is a little fickle, storms forecast that then don't materialize, downpours, or nothing.

  12. humidity is such a downer, I tend to feel awful and that disrupts my happy mood. Lovely the sampler it's looking so good.

  13. Ooo! That start on the cactus sampler is a good thing! I think that will be so cute, Vera! (and great work on your bigger sampler as well!)

    That rain fizzled out for us as well, it was really discouraging... we need the rain so badly.

  14. How fun to have a souvenoir stitching from your son's trip!!! He's a good son!
