Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 8/29/23

 Good Morning My Friends,

I am pleased to say that vacation plans are underway!  Woo-Hoo, my alternate vacation request was approved by the powers that be.  In just 2.5 weeks we will be taking off and I cannot wait!    The search for Air BnBs shall commence today.

First, however, I do have some TNT updates for you on this last Tuesday in August.  Quite a bit of stitching was accomplished in the past week.  First up is the BIG sampler (Sampler Aux Bouquets by Jardin Prive).  The large vase with pink flowers is finally complete (leaves have been added) and a few more little motifs were added.

And a view of the piece overall:

There is still a bit to add to the right of the vase with pink flowers and then, before you know it, I will be on to page 3 (the final!!) page of this chart.  Still a bit to stitch in the grand scheme of things, but I am still enjoying it.

And now the cacti triptych.  The Prickly Pear Cactus is finished!  And the outline for the next section and the name - Ocotillo - has been stitched.  I also started in on the design.

I love it!  It is fun to stitch and I need to remember to text a picture to Colin so he can see I am working on it!

No major plans for today.  Hopefully work will remain quiet and I can do what I want to do (meaning knitting/stitching/reading).  I hope your Tuesday brings some kind of joy to you!


  1. I like that little cornucopia on the big piece and that prickly pear is so cheerful! You got a lot of stitching accomplished and vacation okayed; all you need now is a working washing machine!

  2. The big sampler gets better and better! That new bird looks kind of like a flamingo, but it's not the right colors. The cacti look fun, too! Here's hoping for a quiet workday for you.

  3. The big sampler took a more traditional turn after its whimsical start. The first alphabet looked very Tim Burtonesque to me.

    So glad about your vacation! Maybe you're on a positive slant now and your washing machine repair is next.

  4. Good news about the vacation. And your prickly pear is the best!

  5. What an amazing piece that sampler is. It gets better every week. Those cactus are darling. It looks like a fun project to work on.

  6. I am glad you will get to go on your vacation. The stitching, as always, looks great!

  7. Yay for vacation!! Where are you headed?

  8. the stitching is looking superb! Nice work on both pieces!

  9. Both stitcheries are really great. And I'm so happy that vacation is in the works!

  10. Wow! Lovely stitching on both, Vera! But HURRAH for the vacation approval... good luck finding a space! (and I am echoing Bonny's thoughts on a working washer!)

  11. I'm so glad your vacation was approved. Yay! Fiber Festivals, here you come! :-) I sure love that Big Sampler. Those colors are my colors. I like the cactus too and I'm sure Colin will be thrilled to know that you liked the gift well enough to actually stitch it!

  12. how nice that vacation plans are solidified, phew! Gorgeous stitching - I just dropped of the birth sampler to be framed :)

  13. The Quaker Sampler was my favorite for a long time, but the BIG sampler is quickly becoming a new favorite of mine.

  14. What wonderful stitching. I just love that sampler. It is a work of art. Hooray for vacation plans coming through. May your B and B search be fruitful.
