Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 8/15/23

 Good Morning,

It's a little sticky here this a.m.  I woke at 4-ish to very heavy rain.  But it did not last long - not enough to show any measurable amount in the rain gauge.  The street, however, looks polka-dotted in front of our house: between the rain and the wind so many crepe myrtle blossoms are now on the ground.  There are still plenty in the tree, but the street is covered too, as well as part of our front lawn.

And, as long as I'm talking trees, I will show you how our apples are growing this year - at times they look like huge grape clusters.  LOL  I took these pictures because Colin was curious.

It's obvious in the smaller picture that a lot of the apples are already damaged - mis-shapen, bad spots, etc.  But the sheer amount of them is amazing.

And, finally, still on the gardening side of things, Fletch is using some of our bamboo to create hand rails along the top of the garden fence.  He spread wood chips on the walk-ways, but the other day he tripped and almost fell, so decided that handrails were needed.  He just started to install them late yesterday.

I do love the look of bamboo.  Years and years ago, Fletch built a bamboo bridge over our boggy area.  I wish that still existed, but 3 decades took its toll on that!  You can also see the HUGE rhubarb leaves (like platters) in the above picture.  I need to get out and harvest that (again).

OK, time for a Tiny Needle update.  Progress has been made on both the large (very) Sampler Aux Bouquets and the Cacti Triptych.  First up the large piece.

The vase is beginning to fill with flowers and there is even a little bird perched atop!  I would have been much further along, but I had a lot of frogging to do this week...The center stem on the top pink flower was missing some stitches and once I got the flower stitched and then the bird I could see that it was way off, so it all had to be ripped out (tedious work at best) and then re-stitched with a little more length.  Here is where it stands overall:

This does not show all of the empty cloth to the right...there is still a ton of stitching to do on this one!

Yesterday afternoon I was able to spend some time on the cacti triptych that Colin sent me.  It is a bit more detailed than I initially thought, but I am thoroughly enjoying stitching it.  This is the start of the Prickly Pear section.

There are a few more "paddles" to be added as well as more flowers.  The little thorns! - kind of hard to see, but they are there.

Obviously I have lots to fill any free time I may come across in my life!  LOL  Wishing you all a pleasant Tuesday.  May it be a gentle one.


  1. Fletch's garden is just beautiful, Vera! You can really see all of his love and attention at work there. And the hand rails are great -- functional AND lovely, too. As always, I love seeing your stitching progress. I am absolutely charmed by the cacti! XO

  2. The garden looks really good with nice wood chips and those bamboo handrails! There's no evidence of you ripping out the stem, it just looks wonderful with the cute bird on top. And the prickly pear looks prickly indeed. Really nice stitching, Vera!

  3. It's pouring rain here today and is supposed to rain all day today. I'm glad because I planted up my woodland garden on the weekend and it needs all the help it can get.

    Your stitching looks great. Love the cactus

  4. Oh I do love that prickly pear! I have been reading about how many of the saguaro cactus in Arizona are falling down after too much heat and drought. Very sad

  5. Love the look of the cactus stitching. And you're still getting rhubarb this late! Lucky, lucky girl.

  6. What good stuff in this post! I love the ingenuity of the bamboo handrails! The stitching looks great!

  7. The large sampler is a beauty! Wish I had some of your rhubarb to freeze.

  8. Fletch's rhubarb looks like mine at the house. I do miss having a garden but that's the ONLY thing I miss about a house and the condo has so many benefits that I'm not complaining. The garden sure shows that it has lots of love care. And LOTS of apples too. Even with the damage can you make applesauce, etc.?
    Your stitching is beautiful. Love the sampler with it's flowers and the sweet little cactus.
    Three doctor appointments for Mom done this week so far and my mammogram tomorrow. Hopefull I'll get a blog post done tomorrow. I've been trying for days.

  9. I am really impressed with the garden -- I have a bit of envy! If our backyard got enough sun to grow anything, I would totally copy that setup.

    Loving the cacti! The little thorns are so clever!

  10. even though I tolerate summer, I do enjoy seeing gardens in their full glory! Your stitching is always a delight to behold.

  11. Fletch's garden is truly a thing of beauty, Vera! And I love the handrails! That is a very beautiful and functional addition! But your stitching! So so cute! I love that cactus start!

  12. Your garden is so sweet! The deer ate my tomato plants the other nights so it's yet another fail. I really have to give up this gardening dream of mine.
    That sampler is just the most gorgeous thing. I love watching it grow.

  13. Haha! I always say that I'll make THE BEST retired person... so many things to occupy myself with!! (Someday...)

  14. Thanks for the wish for a gentle day. It's good to have lots to fill our free time. I never understand how people let themselves get bored with life. As always, I enjoy your stitching.
