Monday, August 5, 2024

Weekending 8/5/24

 Hey Hey and Good Morning!

How are you?  How was your weekend?  Mine was filled with the usual bits and pieces that make up life.  A little of this and then some of that.

It's really been much too hot and humid to have any ambition for doing anything.  I did manage to finish up my Shakerag skirt and I gave it a good soak in Soak on Saturday.  Since then, it has been on the blocking mats trying to dry.  The air is thick though and it is taking forever for it to dry.  Naturally more rain is forecast for mid-week through the weekend, so drying out may be a problem.

A little bit of other knitting and some cooking was accomplished as well as a (final I hope) trip to the laundromat.  And the kids got off for Turks and Cacaos, so Fletch and I are back on cat duty for the week.

Even Mabel seemed tuckered out by the weather and spent all of Sunday morning napping in the office room.  Later she went out.

Up in the apple tree.  I snapped that picture right before she jumped down to join Fletch in the garden.  Fletch harvested a few more hot peppers, but nothing else.

The deer (mostly one doe and two fawns - still spotted) come regularly to consume fallen apples.  They have grown accustomed to me opening and closing the patio door as well as Mabel hanging on the patio and are not as skitterish as they once were.  As soon as I see a Gladiola shoot pop up I cut it though - I don't want the deer munching on those!

I hope your Monday is off to a great start.  I need to get ready to go feed Talbot & Marcel.


  1. The heat and humidity are getting unbearable, aren't they? We've gotten some rain, but it doesn't seem to help anything other than watering the plants. I am looking forward to September temperatures!

    Looking forward to seeing your finished skirt!

  2. The humidity is just such a beast right now! I need a break from that... in a big way! Yay for your *almost* finished Shakerag skirt! Happy Monday, my friend!

  3. We could definitely use some rain but I added up all the rain that is in the forecast through this week and it looks like more than four inches! Of course, we've had rain predicted before that never materialized, so we'll see. I do hope your Shakerag skirt dries soon(ish) as I'd love to see it. Happy Monday!

  4. I'm glad it's not just me. Even in the AC I'm not feeling like doing much of anything right now. Congrats on the skirt finish. That's a big one!

  5. This humidity! It's wearing out its welcome (if it ever had one to begin with). Mabel looks like she's in the wilds, employing her camouflage.

  6. I've been heat-zapped, too! Sigh. I'm glad it was a good weekend for you--I am looking forward to seeing the skirt!!!!!

  7. She is a beautiful cat!! I love the way her eyes are bright!!

  8. It’s been unseasonably HOT here, so I’m staying inside and trying to keep my apartment somewhat cool (no A/C). Sewing time has been reduced since the iron’s heat defeats my efforts. By Wednesday a cold front will work its way over the mountains: I’m looking forward to a reprieve.

  9. Eager to hear if the ghost is still there or if s/he has vacated the house. Mabel is so gorgeous.

  10. Mabel looks quite a home in her apple tree!

  11. It's a real SAUNA out there, for sure! I'm trying to "bottle" this sauna-feeling for when I'm tired of the blustery-cold, come winter. . . Can't wait to see your Shakerag skirt!

  12. I hate to complain about hot weather but I'm afraid I've had enough of it myself! Looks like we maybe just have to get through today here and the temps will be in the 70s for the rest of the week. I'm ready.

  13. oh sigh ... it is hard not to complain about the weather - today I'm very grateful that we are out of Debby's path. yikes!

  14. Two lovely photos. I do enjoy the flowers. Like many places we have had some beastly hot weather - 100 degrees today but cooler temps are forecast for tomorrow. I'm grateful we didn't lose power in last week's storm. My sister and brother-in-law have been without since last Wednesday evening.

  15. I'm just checking blogs at almost midnight! It's been a doozy of a day with Mom. Mable looks like a sweet little bobcat in the tree.
    It's still hot and very humid as it has been since we got home from Spokane. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler. We're all hoping that's true.
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. You would think apples are more tasty than glads. Variety I guess. We missed the really bad winds and storm, but surrounding areas were hit hard.
