Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Gathering of Poetry. 8/15/24


A week or more ago Kym posted a quote from May Sarton on her blog.  Years - decades - ago I read May Sarton's journals and gathered a number of her poetry books.  I had not looked at them in a long, long time.  But, recently I did and came across this poem which is perfect for me (I only wish the figs on our tree would get bigger and ripen!).

The Fig


Under a green leaf hangs a little pouch

Shaped like a gourd, purple and leathery.

It fits the palm, it magnetizes touch,

What flesh designed as fruit can this fruit be?


The plump skin gives a little at the seam.

Now bite it deep for better or for worse!

Oh multitude of stars, pale green and crimson – 

And you have dared to eat a universe!

From "A Grain of Mustard Seed" by May Sarton


  1. Oh yes! A fig is a universe! (and then some!) Thank you for sharing this one, Vera! It put a smile on my face!

  2. I love figs and this poem creates wonderful imagery of them!

  3. You've found the perfect poem and photo match (and they are both wonderful)!

  4. Who would have thought to describe a fig as a universe unto itself? Only a poet!

  5. One of my earliest memories is eating a ripe fig off of my Aunt Savia's tree. She wasn't my real aunt but an Italian woman that owned the house where my parents rented an upstairs apartment. I remember thinking it was too beautiful to eat after I saw how pretty the inside was.

  6. May Sarton and figs ... a perfect combination as summer turns to fall.

  7. Oh, I love it, Vera! I love reading May Sarton; it's always such a joy for this gardener's soul. Thanks so much for sharing her fig poem. XO

  8. love the poem and the photo paired so perfectly together!

  9. Just perfect! We have only had a few figs so far--there are competitors for the fruit when it is just ripe enough!

  10. Look at those figs. I too read a lot of May Sarton back in the day. Thank you for reminding me about her work.
