Monday, August 26, 2024

Weekending 8/26/24

 Hi Everyone,

Wow!  The last week of August!  How can that be?  Our weather has shifted back to pretty warm but we sure did enjoy those days that felt like a first taste of Fall.

So, tell me, how was your weekend?  Mine was so nice.  Fletch and I drove over to the CSA Saturday morning to pick up Colin & Mailing's share.  There is a bunch of produce inside (some tomatoes, eggplants, garlic, greens, cukes, zukes, lettuce, etc.) and there is also a large "U-Pick" section.  We filled one of our grocery bags inside then took another bag to the fields where we picked a lot (I mean a TON) of various hot peppers and cherry tomatoes and paste tomatoes.  It felt good to be out and moving and it was not crowded at all (I'm guessing many folks are on vacation this week).  

We took it easy Saturday afternoon and then Fletch grilled some steaks (which were a disappointment - very tough).  I baked a couple of potatoes and quick steamed some green beans from our garden.  Today I need to get out there and pick more beans.  There are lots of both pole beans and bush beans ready to be picked.  I really like just munching on them raw.

Speaking of the garden...while we were sitting on the patio yesterday afternoon, Fletch said "I think I can see a ripe fig."  Wonders never cease!  Friday the figs were all still small (marble-size) and green.  Yesterday they looked as though they swelled up overnight and ripened.  I picked a dozen and there will be more in a day or so!

I also did a lot of wash over the weekend - both days were great for drying things on the lines outside, so not only clothes, but sheets, tablecloths and cloth napkins were also done.  Today I will tackle the bathrooms and wash the rugs and then the towels.

Yesterday was filled with a lot of cooking.  I made a peach German pancake for breakfast (so good!! and I forgot to take a picture).  For dinner I made a big batch of crawfish étouffée.

 We had that over basmati rice with some steamed broccoli.  Plenty of leftovers which pleases me.

I know that this is not the right time of year...but one of the does who comes to the yard to forage for apples looks like she is pregnant!  I'm going to keep my eyes on her.

I found a perfect apple on the ground yesterday!  They are not big this year, but they are plentiful and this one has NO damage on it at all!

Hope your weekend was a good one.  And cheers to the week ahead - enjoy!


  1. Look at those figs! Will you bake something with them or eat them as is? And what a sweet little apple! I am jealous that you have all that fruit at your fingertips. All I have is a ton of cherry tomatoes!

  2. It's nice to have all that produce and you certainly made some delicious food over the weekend. I'd also love to hear what you do with your figs. Our garden is dwindling down, which is fine with me. Yesterday we got a few meals' worth of beans, some cherry tomatoes, and a few small zucchini. I'm happy to be done making pickles and blanching beans.

  3. So many figs! Is this a record harvest?

    The apple trees around here are loaded. I've never seen so many on a branch. One poor little tree here on our street is so bowed down with fruit that one bough is partially blocking the sidewalk.

    Do you ever pickle your beans? I sometimes make refrigerator pickled green beans, leaving them whole. They're so good!

  4. Those figs, Vera! Wow!! Well done fig tree!! All the neighborhood kids are at the bus stop this morning (and my grands start school today as well!) Despite this return to summery weather, a new season is inching in!

  5. Those figs look delicious!!!! And apple picking time is always a great time of year! I love Autumn up north!

  6. Okay, Vera. Your food posts ALWAYS make me hungry--and they inspire me! I think I'll start jotting down your meals and pull you out of my back pocket when I can't think up what to make for dinner. The crawfish étouffée looks and sounds absolutely delicious.
    And a rousing "woohoo!" to those figs!!

  7. Woke to a nice rain shower this morning. The ground is littered with small golden leaves from the hedge that parallels the sidewalk. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a fresh fig, but your look delicious.

  8. It's funny how some fruits ripen overnight like that. When Mom was here, I went out and picked all the ripe tomatoes and sent them home with her - she was worried she was taking all out tomatoes, and I said "Don't worry - I'll be picking that many more tomorrow... and the day after.... and the day after...

  9. I was just admiring my neighbor's figs. He's got some real big ones on his tree. I was just thinking I may have enough sun here for my own again.

  10. Look at those FIGS! Feels like our harvest was about six weeks ago - fun to see that yours has begun.

  11. Wow, apple season and figs. What will you do with the figs besides enjoy them? Our weather was hot hot this weekend and today. Although we did one fun thing on Sunday. We went over to Omaha to help celebrate my Great Niece's 5th birthday. Little ones are so fun. She loved the balloons and the cupcakes as much as the gifts.

  12. Apples and figs. So much fun! It sounds like a great weekend if you don't count the tough steak. :-) We have had such hot weather the past three days, "feels like" temperatures of 111F yesterday and 110F today have made being outside miserable. I hope it's the last gasp of summer and that we have a nice LONG fall.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. All your produce and food sounds wonderful! The weather sure was glorious here.
