Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 8/13/24

 Hello All,

How are you?  I feel a chill in the air this morning and it is so delightful.  It won't last.  The temp will rise, but for now it is simply lovely.

I'm happy to report that I did get some stitching in during the past week.  Not a whole lot, but progress is being made.

A few more viney things, another word, a doo-dad and the beginning of a basket in the middle of the piece.  Still lots to stitch on this one, but it is going well.

A little bit ago I showed you our first hibiscus blossom and mentioned that there were a ton of buds.  Look at it now!

A mass of blossoms and still more buds.  Too bad these don't make nice cut flowers.....

Sunday night Fletch and I watched Wicked Little Letters on Netflix.  I heard about this through one of MDK's Sunday letters where they talk about things one can knit to (either watch or listen or both).  This movie was hysterical!  Fletch and I both enjoyed it.  The cast is perfect.  If you have a chance, check it out.

Sweet Mabel says she would rather just curl up for a nap.

And with that, we are off to see what Tuesday holds for us.  Something good, I'm sure.  Have a good one!


  1. I would count ANY tiny stitches as progress, for sure! And thank you for the Netflix rec. I always appreciate something that makes me laugh. More of that, I say…!

  2. "Viney things" and "doo-dads" are technical stitching terms, right? ;-) I am also enjoying the fresh air -- feels like fall! I know it'll be hot and humid again before long, but it was so nice to come back from my run yesterday feeling able to breathe easily and not dripping with sweat.

    I've seen a little preview of that Netflix movie, so I'm glad to hear it's worth watching! And thanks for starting out my day with that sweet photo of Mabel. What a sweetheart!

  3. I've been bingeing on All Things Beatles lately. Rick and I re-upped for Hulu so that we could watch the next season of The Bear, and I added Disney+ for him so that he could watch Hamilton. I was excited to see so many Beatles documentaries offered on both. Heaven.

    Mabel looks so much less adventurous out there sleeping. I think all cats are irresistable when they are curled up like that.

  4. Your stitching is lovely, Vera! What a beautiful start!! And thank you for reminding me about Wicked Little Letters... I saw that post and wanted to put that in the queue... we are supposed to get some rain later this week so it might be a good thing to watch then!

  5. That viney thing is very pretty and I'll look forward to more doo-dads! Mabel looks like she is napping right where she got tired. I hope she finds some shade next time!

  6. I loved that movie too. I had to watch it twice because I fell asleep the first time. Not because it was boring but because I was so tired. Kitty has been waking me up at 4 am to go out and I'm afraid it's become a habit for both of us now. Olivia Coleman was great. That last scene with her in the paddy wagon is hilarious. I can relate.

  7. Mabel looks comfy curled upon the grass.

  8. Love the little vines! And Wicked Little Letters was sooo funny and cringey!

  9. The piece of stitching is very sweet as is Mabel. I'm anxious to know what other words will be stitched.

  10. Look at that Mabel soaking up the sunshine! Your hibiscus looks great (and so NOT-deer-munched!)

  11. We LOVED Wicked Little Letters. I first watched it on the airplane when we flew to Colorado in July . . . and I embarrassed myself by snorting right out loud at one point. Then Tom and I watched it at home together, and he loved it just as much. :-) And your stitching is so sweet! I love seeing it come to life.

  12. Nice to see stitching this week! Mabel is so very sweet!

  13. Mabel is the sweetest ever!! I had to wear a jacket the other morning!!
