Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday Musings

 Good Morning!

What a difference a day can make.  Yesterday afternoon our temps started to drop and even though it was raining, the humidity dropped as well.  When Fletch and I sat on the patio at 4 p.m. with beverages, I needed to put a sweatshirt on over my tee shirt and Fletch actually brought a wrap out from the living room!  This morning it is still raining and the temp is 62.  It feels deliciously cool.

I'm thrilled with my new washer!  It was delivered yesterday afternoon, installed quickly, and I had a load of towels washing before dinner.  It is so quiet compared to my lemon Maytag too.

Today's agenda includes feeding these two:

Once I'm back from that I will get more laundry done (!!) and I plan to (finally) roast the tomatoes and peppers that have been sitting on the counter.  I did manage to make some bread and butter pickles the other day.  There are still a couple of cucumbers in the frig, so I should probably make some more.

I should do some cleaning.  Yesterday I was finally inspired to do the kitchen floor - you know it's bad when there are spots that feel sticky.  LOL. So, while Fletch was out of the house late morning, I moved chairs out of the kitchen, and throw rugs out and got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the floor.  Major bonus:  no back issues!!  Now I need to tackle the bedroom.

Maybe later I can do some knitting or stitching.  I'm not a huge fan of housework, but it sure does feel good to get some done!


  1. Congrats on the new washer! It's kind of sad but also funny how exciting it is to do laundry when you've been dealing with washer issues.

    We're not quite as cool as you, but our temps and humidity did drop yesterday and it was much more comfortable. Unfortunately it was still very sticky when I went out for my run in the morning, and I think my running clothes might still be wet.

  2. Isn't it a relief to have a new appliance? I bet you were glad to see the old washer out the door.

    I'm still waiting for the humidity/dew point to become comfortable enough to open windows in the house and turn off the air. Ah, what a dream I dream!

  3. Having a new, working washing machine is wonderful! I've only scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees a few times, so I applaud your efforts. My MiL swore that that was the only way to get it clean but I usually just use a mop. Now sit down and relax with some knitting and stitching!

  4. I am nodding with Sarah's comments on our lingering humidity... it is still very sticky out here. I am longing for some less moisture filled moments! (It was 70 at 6AM today... and so damned muggy) But I am cheering for your washer! That is AWESOME news! (and I am about to head to the kitchen to do the same with my floor!) Happy Thursday!

  5. Sweatshirt weather!! So glad you're weather is better.

    I'll be in the market for a new washer soon -- bearings are bad on my 10yo LG, so it sounds like an airplane is landing in the laundry room every time it spins! Thank goodness, that room has a door. I was assured that it wasn't a fire hazard or anything like that... just VERY LOUD!

  6. I'm really happy that your new washer and dryer are installed and functioning! I won't say hooray for housework but I will say that the cooler temps certainly make it more palatable. I even did some gardening yesterday - hooray!

  7. I went down to the beach and welcomed Debby this morning. All this rain and cooler weather is most welcome after the brutal summer we've had. Congrats on your new washer! I'm going to have to keep that brand in mind if our new one goes belly up. We've had it serviced once already and it makes an terrible grinding noise still. It's just a matter of time, I fear.

  8. So glad the washer is finally a non-issue for you! Good on you for the floor scrubbing! I don't mind housework but cleaning out (closets) is getting harder to do!!!!

  9. Our temps have dropped but the humidity is still high. I plan to coat myself in bug spray this evening and go out and do some weeding while Dave is teaching. I just can't stay on top of the weeds with all this wet, hot weather!

  10. I hate washing the kitchen floor but love how shiny it looks when it is done!

  11. Thank God! It must feel like forever since you’ve been able to do laundry at home!! I’m curious what you’ve found that helps your back. I’m in a particularly rough patch with mine and have yet to find lasting relief.

  12. Oops. That was from Carolyn, above….not Anonymous :) Blogspot REALLY doesn’t like my phone!

  13. It's still humid here but the temp sometimes is okay. I cannot wait until fall and I cannot wait to be cold down to my bones.

  14. Glad you back is good! I have sweats on, too cool for me. Our cukes croaked. Not a good garden year!

  15. Now and then one does have to clean up the sticky kitchen floor. I'm right there with you and the sticky spots. I'm glad the new washer is working well. It's amazing how much we depend on the appliances. I know I take them for granted until they conk out.

  16. ;-) Marc's been gone over a week ... no sticky floors (not many dirty dishes, and not much laundry either)! so glad your new washing machine is a winner - I'm sure it must feel luxurious to run a load of laundry without leaving the house.
