Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 8/28/24

 Hello, Hello and Good Morning!

It's sticky here in Eastern PA...hopefully this is the last day of this type of weather.  It is also really overcast this morning.  Not sure if showers are in the forecast or not, but the garden could stand with a bit of rain and maybe that would cool things off a bit.

Today we find ourselves at the last Unraveled Wednesday for August 2024.  It seems impossible, doesn't it?  Time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers.  Fortunately I found a bit of time to do a small bit of knitting this past week.  One sock was finished and the second one has been started.

I'm finding these to be fun!  And, changing colors every so often is keeping the plain vanilla pattern interesting.  This is the May Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.

Semplice saw a little bit of progress.  I think I managed to knit another 6 rows and the reverse stockinette is now more visible.

Monday's mail brought my September Sock Squad yarn.  The color is "Brush Watcher" and it is a glorious harvest or Autumn shade.  Very rich looking I think.  Some cozy socks will be made.

On the reading front, some finishes!  Fletch and I finally finished listening to Nobody's Fool which feels like an accomplishment and a relief!  Listening time is just under 25 hours and when you only listen for 15 minutes after dinner (and not every night), it takes some time to get through.  I would say we somewhat enjoyed it.  It probably would have been better to read it (more quickly).  My favorite Richard Russo book is still "Empire Falls."

I also finished The Ministry of Time which is the latest pick for the Read With Us group.  Our discussion will be September 19th.  This book surprised me.  I was not expecting to like it, but I did.  A lot.  However, I found the ending to be a disappointment - it almost felt too rushed and too contrived (in my opinion).  I'm looking forward to our group discussion.

Now I am in the midst (a bit more than halfway through) Agony Hill which I am enjoying.  This mystery takes place in the fictional Vermont town of Bethany in the Connecticut River Valley.  I know that area well and the author has done a good job of portraying the way Vermonters can be quite quirky!  It's also fun to have "real" towns and villages mentioned that are familiar to me.  I should finish this book in a day or so.  

I can see that "Sipsworth" will be ready for me to pick up soon (I'm next in line and it's been "shipped" - meaning coming from another library).  The other books I am in queue for seem a long way off...but experience shows that the queues can move quickly.

For your amusement, here is a picture of Steve the Beav (our resident groundhog) munching on an apple.  Not a great picture, but I had to take it through the door...the moment Steve detects any movement at the house he runs (so funny to watch) back to his home which is under our shed.  Between the deer, the birds, the squirrels and Steve, the apples are dwindling.

Happy Hump Day!  Hope it's a good one for you all.


  1. I thought the exact same thing about The Ministry of Time -- great except for the ending. It felt a little like she didn't quite know how to end it and just threw something together. Love the current socks and the next shipment. Those colors scream autumn for sure!

  2. Both your socks and your shawl are really lovely! I felt much the same about MoT and I should reread it (or at least the ending). The author wrote the book in installments for an online group of polar exploration enthusiasts during the pandemic, and I attribute the rushed ending to that.

  3. I am eager to discuss Ministry of Time as well... I am hoping the discussion will change my opinion of the book (I did not like it as much as you did!) Your new sock yarn is really gorgeous! I can't wait to see what you decide to do! (And I think you will love Sipsworth!) Steve the Beav is adorable! I am glad the deer left an apple for him!

  4. I am smitten by your yarn bowls! Hope you enjoy Sipsworth. I had to return Ministry of Time because my reading plate was overflowing but I’ll get back to it one day.

  5. Your sock finish looks so nice. It really came out well. And the new yarn is gorgeous. I'd love a sweater of that!

    Our stifling heat yielded some rain. A clap of scary thunder woke me at 6:30 this morning. I hope we get a good amount; things are quite scorched here.

    I'm glad our groundhog is gone, thanks to our investment in a fake owl. It ate all my dill and parsley! It's nice to be able to enjoy yours, however, and he's cute munching away on your apple.

  6. We had a late morning, fast moving storm blow up out of nowhere yesterday that dumped a lot of rain... and it's so much nicer today!! Still a little stickier than I like, but it looks like next week is going to be stellar! Your new sock yarn looks perfect for autumn - very pretty.

  7. Pretty socks!
    We are expecting record breaking heat here today so I'm not planning on doing anything but surviving. I'm glad I have leftovers for dinner.
    I saw our Steve the Beav out front the other day. That was odd. He's usually outback near the shed. I'm wondering if he's looking for water. It's been so dry the creek might be low. I'll have to go check.

  8. Good photo of Steve the Beav enjoying the windfall apple.

  9. When I lived in Tennessee we called them 'little bears'!

  10. I love to watch groundhogs run. They are so comical! (Steve the Beav just cracks me up.) Love the socks, Vera. The colors are terrific -- and the contrast is perfect. I felt much the same way you did about The Ministry of Time (and Empire Falls, for that matter). :-)

  11. I suspect we will all agree on the ending of Ministry of Time. And yes, Empire Falls is my fav Russo as well. I read Agony Hill and enjoyed it quite a lot.

  12. I'm really loving those Sock Squad socks! I've never knit socks with that kind of color-blocking and I imagine it must be very fun to knit "just one more round" and see what happens.

  13. The September yarn looks rich indeed, maybe the color of a coffee or chai with milk. The color blocking in the socks looks like a good way to encourage progress - just one more row or color.

  14. Your socks are looking great. I really like the somewhat muted colors-they look like fall to me and your new yarn definitely does.
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. Looks like you're making some good progress!

  16. your september sock yarn is gorgeous!!! I want fall and I want it NOW!

  17. I love to sight groundhogs cuz we don't have any in FL; I miss them!

  18. I enjoy watching Chuck and other videos of groundhogs eating in the garden, one family planted a garden just for them, so comical!
