Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 8/7/24

 Hello One and All,

How are you?  We did get some strong storms last night and the rain gauge shows roughly an inch of rain fell.  More is expected today and for the next several days.  The temps are lower, thankfully, but it is still pretty humid.  My Shakerag Skirt is still living in the land of dampness though it is improving.  I should be able to weave in the elastic and then get a picture in the next couple of days.  Woo-Hoo!

Being Wednesday, it is time to once again link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all things making and all things reading.  There has been unraveling in my world....

First up we have the start of a sock using some Sock Squad yarn from May.

The cuff was knit once and the leg started when I found I didn't like it at all.  Unraveled it was.  The cuff has been re-knit, but I have not yet started back on the leg.

Then we have the yarn for the Baby Vertebrae I'm intending to knit.  I started this last night and did not like my it was unraveled and is ready to start on another day.  The yarn is Opal in one of the Van Gogh color ways.

Not pictured, but also started and ripped back is my shawl.  I'll save that for another day when perhaps it has actually been started (again) and knit some!

I realized that in my rush to get out of the house last Wednesday I never mentioned books in my post!  I don't read as fast as many of you, but I had finished a book!  "James" by Percival Everett.  Wow!  What an amazing book in so many ways.  I had also finished "The God of the Woods" which I enjoyed.  Not the level of James, but still worth reading in my opinion.  Now I'm in the midst of The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano which is quite good.  My friend Leslie recommended this to me and I'm so glad she did.

Time for me to get dressed and go feed Talbot and Marcel.  I'm hoping our slightly cooler temps will let me do some "making" of some sort today.  And, of course, my new washer will be delivered this afternoon!!  


  1. I was so excited for those cooler temps this morning, but when I headed out... gasp! The humidity made 70 not feel like 70 at all! Sigh. We got a good bit of wild rain last night as well, which I am thankful for but gah... this humidity is just killer! I have not heard of The Solitude of Prime Numbers... it sounds fascinating (I hope my library has it!)

  2. You may get the gold medal for most yards unraveled this week! I hope that you find the sweet spots for all those projects so you can knit on happily. I only have 13 more weeks in the hold queue for James! I'm beginning to wonder if I should just buy it. I'm crossing my fingers that you get a good washing machine this time!

  3. We've had a lot of rain here, with more in the forecast later this week, but I see 70s for highs this weekend! We need the rain, but I would really like a break from the humidity.

    Sorry to hear about all the unraveling. I hope things get back on track soon. I'm glad you enjoyed James. I have God of the Woods on hold (should have it in another week or two).

  4. You can throw your Shakerag skirt in the dryer, Vera. I wash mine (same yarn) right in the washer and then stick in the dryer (on delicate). Works great; no shrinking! I loved both James and God of the Woods. (Tom loved James, too.)

  5. Well the yarns are all pretty...they will be matched up to the right project next time around!!!!

  6. lots of people unraveling!! I am happy with where I am on both of my projects, a sock and a sweater.

  7. It must be a something in the air. Everyone is ripping stuff out today. I spent the morning ripping back the collar on one of my blobs. It didn't feel good at all.

  8. Hooray for the new washer! Enjoy it!

  9. I'm so happy you enjoyed James! It feels downright chilly here today and that's so stranger. It was kind of nice to wear a regular blouse, though, and not a light t-shirt like I've been wearing for weeks. I hope the washer dryer delivery goes smoothly!

  10. First, what a nice batch of fresh vegetables C&M left for you! Your plans to turn them into "something more" sounds delicious. and !!! have you washed anything yet?!

  11. I have just started James and I think it is going to be a good read. Fortunately no unraveling happening here. We have had some lovely days but sounds like the heat is returning soon.

  12. Love the yarn caked up - so pretty!
    We got rain all day Tuesday and when I checked the rain gauge it was just over 5 inches. It's been a crazy rainy summer for us. Luckily we are in a fairly high area, with a steep drop to the river - the towns to the south and north of us are much lower and have had a lot of flooding issues this summer.
