Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 8/20/24

 Good morning!

Rise and Shine!!  It looks to be a gorgeous day here - sunny and the temps should top out at around 75.  Sounds pretty perfect to me.

The escarole soup turned out to be delicious.  I had never made it before...so was wondering...but it was great and now there is a large container in the freezer for another day.  I also made a loaf of banana bread (which we may try for breakfast this morning) and biscuits to go with the soup.  Fletch is planning to grill hot and sweet sausage this evening, so all I need to do is sauté some onions, peppers and mushrooms to go with that.  YUM!  7 a.m. and I'm already dreaming of dinner - LOL

Tuesday has arrived and it is time for a Tiny Needle update.  Once again, just a small amount of stitching was accomplished this past week.

Some more vines, a few more rows on the basket and the words are finished.  I love the saying:  "sewing mends the soul" - those words were what drew me to this piece.  I often find stitching to be very meditative and soothing.

A few more viney flowers to finish, the basket to finish and then the bouquet in the basket and a few more doo-dads and this piece will be wrapped up.

I looked outside after feeding Mabel this morning and look who I saw:

A handsome, young buck.  There was also a doe and two fawns happily forging for apples.  Turns out they are also quite fond of Rose of Sharon branches...and I guess pretty much anything they can get!  I need to remember to take my phone outside when Fletch and I sit on the patio in the afternoon.  There is a doe usually in the yard who will often come within 6 feet of us!  I'd love to get a picture of her.

Here's hoping that your Tuesday is off to a good start.  Enjoy the day!


  1. That is lovely stitching on this lovely morning! Dinner seems like such a big deal so that is usually the first thing I think about in the morning. if it stays cool this week, maybe I'll even turn the oven on to make a meatloaf!

  2. Your stitching is really moving along, Vera! I am nodding with Bonny about the "dinner conundrum" lol... it is the daily conversation in this house. Sigh. I hope you do get more photos of those brave deer! I know they can be a gardens devastation, but they are so beautiful!

  3. The first thing The Mister says every morning is "what's for dinner?". His whole day centers around it and I'm trying to convince him that at our age and activity level big dinners are not a good thing. We could both stand to lose a few pounds and big plates of pasta is not the way to do it.
    I saw two of the tiniest baby deer in my neighbor's yard the other day. they were sleeping together right next to his veggie garden. I haven't seen them since but I know they must be out there in the woods. I hope they get some meat on them before it gets too cold.

  4. Enjoy your day. I hope you can snap a photo of the doe who visits.

  5. Thanks for the reminder about dinner happening (yet again!). I really should be thinking about making...something.

    It seems so early for apples, but the trees around here are loaded already. I guess the third week of August is about right after all. Your deer looks like he's getting dark. What does it all mean for winter? Remind me NOT to ask my mother.

  6. The stitching is lovely! And how exciting to see a comment from you on my blog this morning!

  7. What a sweet piece of stitching. I love the saying. That young deer is growing.

  8. Glad to hear the soup was a success! It was downright chilly here yesterday, and a bowl of soup would have been welcome.

    Your stitching is looking lovely as usual.

    I hope your yard visitors don't eat anything important!

  9. such lovely stitches! We've been seeing lots of deer in the yard these past days as well. Fall is coming!!

  10. You did some stitching and that's important! The buck is so handsome!
