Friday, August 23, 2024


 Good Morning My Friends,

It's time to wrap up what turned out to be a busy week.  Fletch and I had dinner with Colin last night (Mailing was busy with work-related stuff).  After dinner Colin and I took a walk through their neighborhood.  Lansdale is a very pretty town.  No cookie-cutter houses.  Rather lots of different architecture and different gardens.  Lots of folks walking around after dinner.  Here are just a couple of pictures from our walk:

Fall Colors!!

Not a painted rock, but kind of cute!

And here are the Friday (well, Thursday evening) Felines - Talbot & Marcel.

Lots of fluff, lots of purring.  Talbot & Marcel have decided that their grandparents are ok!

And not to be left out, here is Mabel curled up on the lawn Wednesday afternoon while Fletch and I sat on the patio.  She is sticking by our side these days - ready to come in for the night by 9 p.m. or so, sometimes even earlier.

Tomorrow morning Fletch and I are headed back to the Kimberton CSA to pick up Colin & Mailing's share.  They have a busy day...all day...but will stop by our house to get the veggies late in the day.  I have some errands I need/want to run this morning, but am hoping to find a few quiet moments to knit or stitch and read some.

Here's hoping that your week is winding up nicely and that you are ready for a delightful weekend!


  1. Love seeing all the kitties! I hope you have a quiet and relaxing weekend ahead.

  2. I think this cool snap has sent a message to some trees, yet there is lots of summertime weather left.

    You've got to love having Colin and Mailing back and so close again. And baby on the way!

  3. Aww all those kitties are just too cute! I love those neighborhoods that are not all cookie cutter (our neighborhood is very much all cookie cutter...sigh) Have a great weekend!

  4. I love seeing that little tree wearing fall colors and love seeing all the adorable kitties. I hope you have a productive Friday and a great weekend!

  5. I'm so glad that Colin and Mailing are close to you again. I think the kitties are so cute. That fluffy belly begs to be ruffled. I'm glad Mabel wants to be close to you. She is maturing and has had enough adventure.

  6. How nice for you to have the time to help with your son and dil and just enjoy it instead of adding it to your work schedule! Good for you!

  7. Fall colors! How exciting. I can never get over Mabel's spots. She looks like a wild beast.

  8. Mabel is so beautiful. Have fun at the farm! I'm so envious of it!

  9. One tree in front of my kitchen window is showing a bit of color. I’m ready for cooler temperatures but wouldn’t mind if Fall decided to delay longer.

  10. I love seeing Marcel and Talbot! and Mabel of course - those spots!

  11. I can't help but smile at how quickly you adapted to retired life ... it's not hard to fill up your days with good stuff, is it?! Hope you've had a good weekend!

  12. The little tree with shades of red is very beautiful. I have seen a bit of fall color creeping in here too. Isn't it glorious?
