Monday, August 19, 2024

Weekending 8/19/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

It is foggy here in Eastern PA this morning.  We had some thunder (loud) storms roll through yesterday evening.  Everything is dripping and the air actually feels refreshed.  My weekend was simply lovely and I hope yours was too.  There was cooking and knitting and reading.  A little TV watching (an episode of Poirot and an episode of "Sound" narrated by David Attenborough).

Initially I had planned to meet up with Colin & Mailing at the Farmer's Market, but I did not sleep well Friday night and Saturday morning was a little on the wet side, so I opted out.  Perhaps we will meet up next weekend.

Despite the storms, the hibiscus continues to bloom and is gorgeous.  Yesterday I counted six blossoms fully open!  We also have gorgeous snap dragons this year.  So pretty!

Saturday just before dinner Fletch walked out to the garden and came back with produce.  Finally!!!  The pole beans are producing.  The cherry tomatoes are beginning to come in (and not split) and some of the mucho nacho peppers were ready to harvest.

We had the pole beans last night with dinner and they are some of the best we've ever had!!  Skinny like pencils and full of flavor.

Fletch and I both have various errands that need to be done today.  With the more agreeable weather, I will do some more cooking - I plan to make escarole soup with chicken for dinner!!  Hopefully there will be a bit of time for making later in the day.

Wishing you all a great start to a new week - enjoy!!


  1. We're getting fall-like temps today and tomorrow, and I cannot wait to open up all the windows in the house. Currently, it's drizzling, so I hope that stops and I can enjoy the coolness.

    Hibiscus plants seem late to bloom this year around here. But when they do, they are spectacular. How wonderful that you got such nice beans from your garden!

  2. What a nice little harvest! I pulled the last of the carrots and we've been enjoying them for the past few days. Still got lots of beans coming, but the peas have all but stopped. Cucumbers have slowed, but cucamelons are doing well. Other than that, it's just waiting on the squash.

  3. I always had a hard time getting fresh beans into the house. They are just too delicious raw and right off the vine.

  4. Your hibiscus is lovely and so is your produce! I was happy to see some buds on my hibiscus but I had to bring it in because the squirrels were chewing on the leaves. We've also got lots of beans and tomatoes but the cucumbers and zucchini have succumbed to fungus. That's okay; I'm tired of making pickles!

  5. Laramie was a bit chaotic this weekend as it was “move in” day for the university students. Lots of pedestrians (parents and students) out and about as well as drivers unfamiliar with the streets.

  6. Yay tomatoes! Ours are slowly slowly starting to ripen.

  7. We had some storms over the weekend, too, and today it's a little chilly out there! I'm actually making myself some hot tea right now because I'm feeling a big chilled.

    I'm glad your garden finally gave you some good eats this weekend! I finally noticed a tiny bell pepper growing after watching the plant all summer.

  8. That garden harvest looks yummy! our tomatoes are just about done and I'm already missing them...

  9. We had a misty, foggy start here as well on Monday... but it burned off rather quickly! I hope you got your errands all done!

  10. Look at those delicious veggies from the garden. The flowers are pretty. I do think snap-dragons are especially sweet. To me, they seem like an old-fashioned flower.

  11. Nothing like fresh from the garden good!

  12. I love beans! those look delicious.
