Tuesday, August 6, 2024

No TNT Again! 8/6/24

 Good Morning my Friends,

Once again, I have no stitching to show.  It's just been so hot and humid that it drains whatever ambition I might have had.  Today, though, I need to do something cooking-wise.  Yesterday when I went over to Colin & Mailing's in the morning to feed Talbot & Marcel I gathered up some of the produce that C&M had gotten from the Kimberton CSA on Saturday.

We had BLTs for lunch using one of the tomatoes.  I may roast the balance along with the peppers today and make some red sauce.  I also need to cut up some of the cucumbers and make pickles.  It's a bounty of veggies for sure.

I'd be content with just raw veggies for dinner, but someone wants a little something more.  It's hard to come up with ideas that are appealing in this heat.  Thankfully the heat should break by tomorrow.  I'm planning to cook some red beans and rice later in the week and also spicy Cuban beef.  I want to leave a couple of containers in C&Ms frig so that they have a ready meal or two when they get back on Sunday.

Meanwhile, here are the two we are caring for while C&M are away.

Marcel likes the camera much more than Talbot - LOL

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Those are some lovely photos even if there hasn't been any stitching! I've been busy making pickles and processing tomatoes and beans, so like you, I have little ambition for anything else. M&T are adorable!

  2. It's always nice to see the kitties! You are so good to leave them a few meals for when they return!

  3. The cats are so photogenic! I'm sure they appreciate the company -- just as I'm sure Colin and Mailing will appreciate coming home to find meals waiting for them! I hope your heat eases soon. We're still having soupy weather here and I am sick of it.

  4. That produce looks heavenly! It's so hot that I could just eat raw veggies too. I've eaten only half a watermelon today for breakfast and lunch. This weather better break soon. Come on Debby, blow it all away, please.

  5. Those tomatoes!! Sigh, lol! And no stitching is fine when you have Talbot and Marcel photos! :)

  6. The produce looks great. I would love a good BLT. It's my favorite sandwich and I haven't had one all summer for some reason.
    The photos of the kitties are great. I would love another cat, but with Piper having major allergies I just don't dare. I'd rather have her here. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. I know what you mean about the heat zapping you!!! It's so nice of you to care for the cats-they are beauties. And now I want to eat a BLT!!!! lol

  8. we had a fantastic thunderstorm yesterday that brought the temps down, I don't know about the humidity yet but I do hope so! Love the cat photos, so sweet and cute!!

  9. Love the cats, Vera! I do hope you get a break in the weather soon. We had BIG storms and lots (more) rain yesterday . . . and this morning the air feels fresh and cool. It definitely looks like a cool-down here . . . so hoping it's heading your way, too.

  10. That looks like a nice little harvest. Marcel and Talbot are so handsome!

  11. Beautiful produce. I bet the BLT's were good. We had the same on Saturday evening. It is hard to come up with meals in this hot weather.
