Tuesday, August 27, 2024

No TNT...But More Garden Produce!

 Hello My Friends,

Once again there has been absolutely no stitching during the past week.  We have been very busy, and that's ok.  I will admit that the small-ish piece I am working on by Blackbird Designs is taking much longer to stitch than I imagined it would.  But again, that's ok.  It's not a race and when I've had a free minute or two I have felt like doing other things.

And, look at this!  Yesterday morning I wandered out to the garden to get some onions and parsley for the sauce I was making later in the day.  This is what I came back with:

Pretty, huh?  The onions and parsley are in there...just hidden.  The cherry tomatoes are finally beginning to ripen (soon we will be overrun) and the beans!  As I was picking the green bush beans I was counting (as one does) and I picked over 100 of them.  There are around 40 of the yellow pole beans in there.  Also some of the mucho nacho hot peppers.  And, yes, more figs are ripening - I will go out and pick them today.

Our weather has returned to the hot, sticky mess that August typically is.  Hotter today and tomorrow, but then the temps will drop a bit again.  Planning meals is a bit of a challenge.  We will be doing some cold stuff (shrimp, etc.) for a couple of days and then back to warmer things later.  I'm planning to try a new recipe for curried lentils with greens.

Hope you are enjoying this last week of August!!


  1. That is a lovely harvest! I hate the return to the hot sticky stuff. I was in fall mode and now....ugh. At least we got some rain out of it last night. In spite of the humidity, it's been so dry here.

  2. What a bountiful basket! Summer reaffirms my sense that I could be a vegetarian with very little trouble.

    We're under a heat advisory as well as an air quality alert. We'll see 97 today. UGH. I give up already!

  3. I'm also not a fan of the hot and sticky weather but I can't complain because we had that really nice week of fall weather in August. I even used the oven to make dinner but not for the next few days!

  4. This is why everyone should garden... it makes when you don't! LOL What a beautiful basket of goodies, Vera! Yum!

  5. omg that all looks so delicious!!

  6. Caught up! Love seeing all of your produce. Sadly, I never got around to planting beans, as I'd hoped, but have harvested a few tomatoes this year. Ugh. It's been so oppressive here. We had a thunderstorm last night and more predicted today/tonight, and then I think we'll have a little relief. August just simply vaporized this year, didn't it?

  7. There's just something so wonderful about coming in from the garden with a basketful of produce!!

    We just got a nice little thunderstorm with more on the way - I'm hoping it will help cool things down.

  8. At first glance, I thought that was your loot from a farmstand! And I suppose it is--but YOU are 'the farmer'! What beauty and abundance. It will make a hot summer day's dinner prep much more pleasant.

  9. Glad your tomatoes are coming in--keep your fingers crossed for mine! I'm also impressed you can grow onions!

  10. What a harvest! I have a crapton of basil out there, so I think I'll be making pesto again soon, and of course I have a lot of cherry tomatoes. I wish I had all your beans as well!

    I hope for all our sakes that this sticky weather is short lived.

  11. Those small stitching projects can really fool you. What we thought would be quick and simple involves more time than expected. Our mucho nacho peppers a few years back did not do well, we went back to Inferno. Fried green tomatoes are better than our no-taste ripe ones. Weird yield this year, and not a fig in sight.

  12. It's been awfully hot and humid here for days now. With "feels like" temperatures around 111 & 110F, I'm over it and longing for some coolness.
    Your garden bounty is beautiful. I long for some fresh green bush beans like I used to grow. Maybe I'll eventually find some at a farmers market.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. What a beautiful basket of garden produce. The beans look especially good to me as I have a hard time growing them.

  14. Isn't it wonderful to eat fresh veggies?!
