Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 8/14/24

 Greetings All,

Wow!  How did it get to be mid-August already?  I thought July went fast, but it feels as though the speed of time passing has increased a lot.  For me (us) it has not felt like August at all...more like September (which I love).  Sitting on the patio in the afternoon with our beverages of choice, there has been a cooling breeze in the air and (especially after last week), the air is so crisp and clear and clean.  I'm loving it!

Because the weather has been so much better I am once again cooking.  This morning I will whip up a batch of cookies and then later make some red beans to go with rice.  Colin & Mailing are coming over for dinner.

Mabel, too, has been enjoying the improved weather.  She has been racing around the yard like a young kitten and then jumping and running up the apple tree.  Yesterday Fletch saw her jump around 3 feet in the air after a moth.  So much energy!

The return of more pleasant weather has also meant more knitting and stitching.  And, seeing as it is Wednesday, it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Fortunately knitting is moving forward rather than unraveling.  First up is the initial sock using the May yarn from the Farmer's Daughter Sock Squad.  A few more rows and I will be at the heel flap!

No pattern - just a plain vanilla sock with blocks of different colors.  Easy and appealing to work on.

I also managed to start my Semplice Shawl by Vera Marcu.  I am loving how geometric this pattern is.

Obviously still a way to go with this one, but it is growing.  Every other row adds four stitches.  The yarn is very nice to work with - it is "Gloss" from KnitPicks which is 70 percent wool and 30% silk.  The color is Jacaranda.

I have yet to start the Baby Vertebrae I intend to make, but soon.  

Reading has been good.  I finished The Solitude of Prime Numbers over the weekend.  I really enjoyed it, though it is most likely not a book for everyone.  And on Monday I picked up two books that had come in from my queues at the library.  Agony Hill which is a new release.  I think Kat and Bonny have already read this and I am looking forward to it...but am first diving into the other book that came in:  The Ministry of Time which is the selection for our "Read With Us" group.  Funny how on Friday when I looked I was about 19 in the queue.  Saturday afternoon I received an email that the book was ready for me to pick up!  Anyway, so far I've read maybe 75 pages in this one and I like it!  It's definitely different and has a different vibe about it.  I'm curious to see what happens.

Well, that's a wrap for me.  Time to get moving and make those cookies.  I also need to pick up wine for tonight's dinner and then get the red beans cooking.  Be sure to stop by Kat's to see what everyone is making and reading.  I know you will find plenty of inspiration.  Have a good Wednesday!


  1. Socks were the thing that saved my life recently... I am so glad for them! I have requested The Solitude of Prime Numbers from my library! (and I hope you enjoy Agony Hill as much as I did!)

  2. That sock is lovely and I really like the color and the pattern of your shawl. It's so nice to have pleasant weather; I actually have the motivation to do things! I'm glad you got MoT. I need to get started on my re-read of it. Enjoy your dinner tonight!

  3. easy sock knitting makes me happy and joyful because I just go and not think too much. The weather here has been beautiful and I think we are on the 3-4th day of low humidity!!

  4. Having a break from this brutal summer has been nice this week. I've actually got my windows open in August.
    You've got some fun projects on the go. Perfect for late summer knitting. What a joy it is to get outside with my needles.

  5. I really like the new sock--very comforting colors!

  6. Thanks for the explanation of C+M's CSA--it sounds delightful and how lovely to share with you! At one of the ones we had, we got burdock root every week. Every. Week.

  7. This weather is the sort I wish we had year round, with maybe a week or two of snow at Christmas!

  8. I've been thinking the same thing about the weather, that it's felt like September, and I love it! I don't even mind so much if it gets hotter as long as we can keep this low humidity!

    I think you'll like Agony Hill; I read it as an ARC and thought it was entertaining and easy to read.

  9. Forward progress on knitting is always a good thing. I'm glad you are having some pleasant weather. This evening (Wednesday) we are back to hot and humid but then it is office. I hope the cookies were delicious.

  10. That looks like a great sock, Vera. But I am really loving that Semplice shawl! I recently bought the pattern, and did a deep dive through my stash to find something that I'm thinking will work. I'm really eager to watch how yours unfolds while I further . . . cogitate. XO

  11. Your knitting is making a lovely summer to fall transition, too!
