Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 8/21/24

 Hello My Friends,

Like Kat, I am feeling a bit sleep deprived this morning.  Fletch and I watched two episodes of Poirot and then stayed up to hear both Michelle and Barack Obama speak at the DNC in Chicago.  Pretty rousing speeches.  I still say that Barack Obama is one of the best orators I have ever listened to.

And boy was last night chilly!  I needed another blanket on the bed...and I wore socks!  LOL. This morning I turned the heat on in the bathroom when I got my shower.  We are fortunate because we have thermostats in every room of our house, so easy to warm up the bathroom without heating the entire house.  I made French Toast using croissants which turned out pretty well.  Not exactly low calorie, but tasty.

So, a slightly later start to my blog post.  It's Wednesday which means it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk everything making and everything books.  Fun stuff!  My Semplice shawl is slowly growing.  I've just started the first of the reverse stockinette sections (hard to see in the photo as only a couple of rows have been knit).

Sorry for the darkness of the picture.  I took this shot this morning as the picture I took last night made the shawl look blue.  It's purple, not blue...I've gotten into a rhythm with this pattern and the rows are going fairly quickly despite adding 4 stitches every other row.  I'm sure it will begin to slow down at some point.

My sock is growing as well.  I'm about halfway down the foot, so it won't be long till I cast this one off and start sock #2.

Not a whole lot to report on the reading front.  I'm more than 2/3 of the way through The Ministry of Time and I am still finding it engaging though I'm beginning to worry that I will not like the ending...we shall see.  And Fletch and I are finally nearing the end of Nobody's Fool - listening for 15 or 20 minutes after dinner.  I think we have under two hours left.  We are laughing out loud at some of it, but I'm also weary of it.  Next up for us we will be reading (as in a real book) "A Man Without a Country" by Kurt Vonnegut.  A slight change of pace.

Yesterday afternoon I walked alongside the canal.  It had been months since I walked there and it was actually pretty chilly.  A strong breeze and some cloud cover kept things cool.  I did not see any Blue Herons, but I spotted several Green Herons!

And, of course, some turtles (though not many were out as it was not very sunny).

Be sure to head over to Kat's blog to see what everyone is making and reading.  I'm sure there will be plenty of inspiration.


  1. I'm usually in bed early, so I've just watched Michelle's and Barack's speeches this morning. They were rousing and reminded me of how much I miss having them in the White House. Your sock is lovely; I really like how the yarn intersperses speckled portions. And the shawl is beautiful. I look forward to seeing it grow!

  2. was cold this morning. If I had some wood split I would have had a fire on the deck with my cup of tea. I'll have to get on The Mister to get me a supply going.

  3. that's funny, we needed a blanket as well last night. I LOVE IT!!!! beautiful knitting projects!

  4. Loving those socks--is it The Farmer's Daughter (I think that is the name of your sock club).

  5. Semplice will be lovely - and the new sock looks great. I love all the creatures you meet on your walks!

  6. Chilly here, too! We're due to get the heat back at the end of the week, so I'm not messing with the thermostat, but socks and sweatshirts have been worn!

    I saw the highlights of the Obamas speeches last night. I just can't stay up late to watch (some of us still have to go to work in the morning!). I'm planning on recording Thursday night so I can watch Kamala.

  7. I really like the purple of your shawl, and the yarn for your socks look like fall! We had a bit cooler weather today but the A/C is still on. It will be back into the 90's within a day or two. Bleh!

  8. Ahhh, we've missed your herons and turtles on that log!

  9. I am again sleep deprived this morning, but gosh... Tim Walz! I love your sock!! It is so cute... like Bonny, I love that speckled yarn! I wound yarn last night... which I should not have done... lol I should have cast on a sleeve! But I am taking the yarn outside to sit once it warms up a bit here... it is a delightful 50 this morning!

  10. I'm trying like anything to stay up and watch all the big speeches, but I keep falling asleep. I have to watch them the next day online. I wish I could train myself not to awaken so early in the morning, but I guess that's who I am now. This convention has been inspiring!

    This run of chilly mornings has been refreshing. We were actually in the 40s last night. My windows were open and I had an extra blanket on the bed. In August!

    Green herons make me smile. They all look a little hunchbacked and no-necked to me. You've chosen some lovely yarns for your work.

  11. The purple looks purple to me and it's rather splendid. Summer does seem to have whizzed through too fast.

  12. even more tired today than yesterday and then almost the weekend and we can all get some much needed sleep! LOVE that green heron - I've never seen one.

  13. What nice projects. I do like the stripes in the socks and the texture in the shawl. I've been watching speeches from the DNC the next day. Even in the Central Time Zone, I'd not sleep if I had a screen in front of me so late in the evening. I have never seen a green heron. How interesting.
