Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 7/31/24

 Good Morning Friends,

It is a quiet, sticky morning here.  We did not get the forecast rain overnight and our humidity is so high!

We did have a nice evening though.  We met Colin & Mailing at Agua Bistro for dinner.  This restaurant is only 5 minutes (if that) from our home, but we had never eaten there.  We will go back!!  We were able to sit outside and it was just so lovely.  The kids leave for Turks & Caicos on Sunday and we wanted to see them before they left.  We will be on cat duty for the week they are gone.

Well, here we are at the (last!!!) Wednesday in July and it's time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Once again, my knitting mojo seems to be missing, but I did manage to do a little knitting over the weekend.  And when I say little, I mean really little:

Voila!  Little itty, bitty newborn socks!  Gosh they are tiny - I hope they fit the baby when she is born...if only for a day or so.  LOL. I used This Pattern by Kate Atherley and some leftover Static yarn by KnitPicks.  Little baby socks are even faster than shorty socks!!

Monday turned out to be yarn delivery day!  Two orders of yarn arrived in my mailbox.  First up is the Farmer's Daughter Sock Squad yarn for August:

Pretty colors.  I will say that I prefer full skeins to half skeins, but these colors are so pretty.

Also arriving was my yarn from KnitPicks (Gloss which is 70% wool and 30% silk) for the shawl (Semplice) I want to make.  What a gorgeous shade of lavender.

As you can see, I've caked up one skein and I may start the shawl today!  

I've also chosen earlier Sock Squad yarn to start some new socks (of course) and picked out a skein of fingering yarn to make a Baby Vertebrae.  So, I have plenty of I just need to get going!

In other news, I was released from care at the Wound Care Center yesterday and our street was paved yesterday!  (The two are not related.). And this morning a young (very young) buck showed up to dine on some fallen apples.

You can just see his two antlers.  The spot on his side almost looks like a wound of some sort, but he seemed to be fine.

Well, time for me to get ready to go out.  I'm meeting Dee in an hour or so.  I'm planning to take my Shakerag Skirt so I can start the waistband.  Have a wonderful Wednesday and be sure to check out all the other Unraveled Wednesday posts (links on Kat's blog).


  1. Those socks are super cute. Don't over do things in the heat.

  2. I do not believe that there is any knitting more satisfying than baby knitting! Those socks are just so cute!! (and how had I missed Baby Vertabrae?) Enjoy your time with Dee (and congrats of the graduation from would care!!)

  3. Aww, those are adorable baby socks! I'll look forward to seeing your shawl in that lovely shade of lavender and the Baby Vertebrae. The babies on the pattern page are so cute, but I'm sure C&M's baby will be the cutest!

  4. Congrats on your release 😂 and those itty bitty socks are wonderful

  5. What sweet little baby socks, Vera! So glad you've "graduated" from the wound clinic (the wound clinic people are ANGELS and truly perform miracles). I hope the weather cools a bit for you . . . Fall gets a little closer every day! XO

  6. Beautiful new sock yarn! The shawl is so pretty and I don't blame you for beginning right away! Have fun with Dee and finish up that skirt! The baby socks are sweet-just right!

  7. Adorable baby socks! I sure they will fit more than one day. 😉

  8. Cute socks, and I do love the new yarn from Farmer's Daughters!

  9. Eee, baby socks are so precious! I'm sure they'll get some use. Babies grow fast, but their feet don't always grow as fast as the rest of them. Congrats on your graduation and your freshly paved street! We had a lot of rain here yesterday, so maybe it's just gotten stalled on its way to you?

  10. So happy to read about your release! and all the summer that's happening in your part of the world. Love the baby socks, all the yarn, the (tiny!) bits of stitching, dinners out, and plans ... so many fun plans!

  11. What darling little socks and the new yarns look fabulous. Hooray for being dismissed from the Wound Center. That sounds like a good resolution.

  12. You just reminded me that I promised myself a new pair of lavender Crocs at the end of the month and that's TODAY! It's one of the colors I don't have yet.
    I think I still have a pack of mini skeins leftover from the last Baby Grand to come my way. I should be casting on some itty bitty socks too.

  13. Love your sweet little socks. I really enjoy making baby socks too. They go so fast. Love the lavender yarn. It's my favorite color. Well, any purples are, but especially lavender.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Oh, baby stuff! It's so much fun! And impossible to resist.

  15. The socks are adorable and that's a beautiful buck. I'm happy you've been released from the wound care center, too!
