Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 7/30/24

 Hello and Good Morning,

We've made it to Tuesday and it's time for a TNT update.  Only a little update.  My stitching mojo still seems to be missing, but I managed a few stitches this past week.

I was a little tired of (or bored with) stitching the vine flowers, so I switched to starting the words.  I got as far as "sewing" and called it quits.  I do like this piece and I will get it done...apparently just not very quickly.  LOL

Yesterday I ended up going back to the park in Oaks that runs along the Perkiomen Creek and again walked 3 miles with absolutely no back pain!  I feel a little stiff this morning, but I won't be walking as I have my LAST appointment at the Wound Care Center this morning!!  Meanwhile, back to the walk, I was rewarded with seeing a blue heron!  First I saw one along the dam, but was unable to get a picture.  But then, further down - near where the Perkiomen Creek spills into the Schuylkill River, I saw this guy (or gal):

I paused for a few minutes to watch him (or her) fishing.  He was pretty adept - it looked like he was having a very tasty meal.  Again, there were a number of walkers and bikers on the trail - a busy place.  And it was very humid yesterday - not the most comfortable for walking.

At home, I noticed that our first hibiscus bloom had opened:

So pretty.  Our hibiscus is loaded with buds, so we could have a beautiful display soon.

Finally, we have a finch that loves to perch on one of our hummingbird feeders and sip!  I've never seen another bird do that.

Not the best picture, but oh well.  It's fun to watch him.  We did have two hummingbirds flying around yesterday afternoon too.

That's a wrap for me.  Hope your Tuesday is a good one.


  1. I'm glad you're getting out there and hope it continues to be enjoyable and pain free. Congrats on your wound care "graduation" today! I'm sure that's one thing you'll be happy to be done with.

    I took a page from your book last night and cut a couple gladiolus stalks to bring inside. It's a good thing I did, because it started pouring not long after I got up this morning and they'd likely have gotten waterlogged and gross outside.

  2. This tropical humidity! UGH. Walks have been a slog, but at least yours afford you some interesting sights. It's terrific that your back is responding so well and that you can get back to feeling good again.

  3. Lovely stitching start! But your wound news... AWESOME!! Our finches just love the grape jelly I put out with hopes of an oriole, but watching the finches is pretty hilarious! The juvenile red-bellied woodpecker is a frequent visitor to the hummingbird feeder, lol. He (she?) hangs upside down and sips!

  4. I hear the finches more than I see them here. But every once in a while I get a good look at one. They are so sweet.

  5. I love blue herons. I always feel like I have been given a gift when I see them on my walks.

  6. Your stitching is lovely no matter whether it's happening fast or slow! That is good news about your last visit to the wound care center. I've never seen another bird at a hummingbird feeder (but I've also never had hummingbirds at my feeder).

  7. Steady stitching is more enjoyable that speedy stitching - enjoy the process.

  8. Yay for no pain! Yay for the heron!

  9. Every once in a while I catch a hummingbird zipping by my front window. I don't have any feeders out because of the cats but there's something in my pine tree that attracts their attention every so often.

  10. Nice variety in this post--the stitching doesn't have an expiration date, remember! The view walking is so pretty! So is the hibiscus!

  11. It's happened many times that something is not clicking on a project and I keep putting it off. Maybe the mood will strike and progress will be swift. Hibiscus this year have been spectacular!!

  12. I actually had a day last week where I didn't pick up any yarn, or tiny needles. I just watched TV and played on my iPad all day. Lazy me. It's so hot and humid here that I have no gumption for anything. At 9:45 pm Dennis took the puppies out and came in saying it was hard to breathe because the air is so humid. Thunderstorms are supposed to roll through in an hour or so and maybe that will relieve it somewhat.
    I'm glad you're able to get out and walk again, AND graduated from the wound center. Two great things. Piper and Lizzie are spending the night tonight and probably tomorrow night. She starts back to school in less than two weeks so we're trying to get lots of time together. I'm afraid once she starts middle school her life is going to get busy. Right now we spend time watching movies and playing UNO together. Lots of fun!
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. The little stitched piece is so sweet. I'm glad you are walking pain free. I imagine that feels like a good accomplishment in more ways than one. Hibiscus are so stunning. Yours is going to be lovely.

  14. no back pain! discharged from wound care! you tuck these accomplishments in the post and they are to be celebrated! I've been hiding in my house because of how hot and humid it is outside. welp!
