Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 7/9/24

 Good Morning Everyone!

How are you on this fine Tuesday morning?  It is still warm here in Eastern PA.  Tiny apples have started to fall from our apple tree (this happens every year) and the deer have started to come to dine.  Have you ever watched deer stamp their leg(s) when they sense danger or something they don't like?  This morning I looked out the bedroom window and saw a little fawn doing that.  So funny to watch.  The poor thing almost couldn't stand on just 3 legs.  LOL. I think that Mabel must have been on the patio (I had let her out earlier) and the little fawn didn't like that at all.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, despite the heat I managed to get some stitching done over the weekend and "Gaze" by The Primitive Needle was finished.  I love it!

Overdyed threads by The Gentle Art and Weeks Dye Works were used and the linen is just 32 count.  The finished size is 5.25" tall by 4.5" wide.  I will most likely make this into another pin pillow.  Just need to find some fabric in my stash that will look good with it.

My next stitched piece will come from this book from Blackbird Designs:

I actually started it yesterday, but will wait until next week to show it when (hopefully) there is more to be seen!

And guess what has stopped working again?  My washer!  Yup.  Bought in January of 2023, repaired in September 2023 while under warranty and now, of course, no longer under warranty.  Can you say Lemon?  Definitely will not spend much on a repair...I don't think this particular Maytag is any good.  I will see if it can be fixed reasonably, but if not, we will be shopping for a washer again.

On a more positive note, here is the Gladiola stalk as of this morning:

There are some more flower stalks, but they are all closed tightly right now.  I'm curious to see if they will be the same red color or if we will get something else.

Well, time for me to get moving.  I've a busy morning.  Hope everyone is doing well and I will be back tomorrow for Unraveled Wednesday.


  1. My washer repairman said that Maytags are now made by Whirlpool and are a mere shadow of their former selves. It's sad. Mine is an original Maytag, and I'm hanging onto it like grim death. Appliances are certainly not what they used to be.

    Your glad is beautiful. Love that red. And I can't believe your sampler is already done. It's lovely as well.

  2. Oh dear, I'm sorry that washer is misbehaving again. The last time we needed new machines, we decided to splurge a bit and bought Electrolux. They've been fabulous. You may not need anything so fancy (I'm sure you and Fletch generate much less laundry than we do!), but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

    Love the red Glads! We typically get a single stalk of yellow, but I think the heat may have fried them.

  3. Oh drat... I am so sorry your washer is not working! GRRRR. I love the image of a wee stamping fawn... but your stitching! That is just so fun and cute, Vera! I hope you have the perfect fabric... that will be a perfect pin cushion! (and stay cool!)

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your washer and sorry that a Maytag is a lemon. Hopefully you find something that works better without spending too much. Gaze is lovely and colorful and I look forward to seeing the next sampler!

  5. Speed Queen. That's all I have to say about washers and dryers . . . I love your Gaze sampler! It is so charming -- and I love the the colors.

  6. I loved the Amana washer and dryer I had in my house.

  7. Pretty stitching! I can't wait to see what comes out of that book.
    My washer is driving me crazy too. It stinks. Literally. I have cleaned and self cleaned it and it still smells musty. Even after a good bleaching. It's a Samsung, like my wonky refrigerator and I've learned my lesson with that brand. Never again.

  8. We had an awful maytag Neptune 25 years ago (had numerous repairs and we finally replaced it, although the dryer worked just fine). When we built our new house, our very trusted appliance guy recommended the Maytag Commercial Grade washer and dryer and so far so good (going on six years, so still kind of early days, but we're happy with it).

  9. oh no! Not the washer!!! I would be so bummed, I like when everything works, but don't we all like that?

  10. Fabulous finish!

    Sorry to hear about the washer. I'm terrified to buy any new appliances. We got lucky about a year after we moved here, one of our favourite used stores got a washer in that was the same model as my Mom has (they never get washers in - apparently they are always broken!!!) I snapped it up so fast because we needed a new washer, and Mom had done well with hers. So far it's been great!

  11. Your red glad is so pretty. My Mom loved that flower. The Gaze piece is just charming. I'm glad it will be turned into a pin cushion. What a bummer about the washer. I think the warranties are designed to end just before a repair is needed.
