Tuesday, July 23, 2024

No TNT This Tuesday. 7/223/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

I have no TNT pictures to show you today.  I have not done a single stitch since last week!  I believe that summer ennui has set in.  I don't feel like stitching, don't really feel like knitting (though I did order yarn for a new shawl...and bought the pattern), even reading doesn't seem to be what I want to do.  Mostly I just sit and stare!  LOL

We started looking at washers over the weekend.  I have been encouraged to be in touch with Maytag...one guy said they may do something for me even though the machine is out of warranty.  I guess a call can't hurt.  I will try to do that later.  I want a top loader and so far I'm leaning towards a Speed Queen (the only machine made without a locking lid).  The Speed Queen is around twice the price of others, but it does have a 5 year warranty compared to other models that only offer a one year warranty.  I still have a little looking to do.

In other news, four new gladiola shoots came up and yesterday they started to bloom!  Different colors than the red...some pink and some an orange color.  Very pretty.  A glance out the door this morning shows that once again, all the stalks have been bitten off by deer.  Grrrrrr.

On a positive note, we did receive just under half an inch of rain last night!  It sounded so good at 2:30 a.m.  LOL. It's been 5 weeks since we've needed to have our lawn mowed, but I'm guessing we will have it done next week.

We had a delicious dinner at Colin's last night.  Mailing is back in Texas for the week, so we missed her, but Colin cooked a wonderful meal with a lot of fresh produce from their CSA  - beautiful heirloom tomatoes, lots of greens (dandelion, chard and carrot greens!).  All was yummy and bonus - I got a load of towels washed and dried while we were there!

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to be back to a regular TNT post next week.  I will be back tomorrow for unraveled Wednesday.  See you then!


  1. I'd prefer a top loader, too. I have the other kind at the lakehouse, and it's terrible.

    What a disappointment about your glads. In a small way, I understand. We suddenly have groundhogs this year, and they've destroyed my dill and parsley, both herbs I use so much. I even resorted to buying a fake owl with a bobbly head. Too late for the dill, but my parsley is coming back.

    I hear you about summer ennui. Everything feels like it needs too much concentration.

  2. Hope the washer adventure gets sorted out soon. I cannot imagine being without - just ugh. We have a top loader and it is great except that it is deep and I can barely reach the bottom when I to pullout the clothes. I categorize that activity as core and strength work 😂

  3. I am plugging away on my sweater (but I am thinking about a shawl as well and maybe the same one as you are!) and socks... they are the joy of my life these days.

    I hope your washer is solved soon! (and my fingers are crossed that Maytag comes through!)

  4. It is such a bother to have to find a new washer! Hope you work it out soon. The pace of summer does take its toll but you know that just sitting and staring into space is allowed!

  5. I've heard good things about Speed Queens. Our washer, before the one we have now, we got for free. It wasn't a Speed Queen, but it was made by the company (just the Canadian version I guess) and it was a darn good washer. It was pretty well used when we got it and we still got another couple years out of it. We could have run it longer, but we came across the washer I really wanted at a really good price, and I couldn't pass it up.

  6. I feel much the same way! I haven't stitched in ages, but I have been knitting and reading (a little). But you know the desire may return, maybe after you sit and stare for a while! Good luck with the washer. We didn't get any rain but I'm going to keep my fingers crossed.

  7. That is a lot of rain! I'm sure all your flowers will like it. Has the ghost found a new home?

  8. I'm glad you got the rain that we got during the day yesterday! It meant I couldn't get out for a run, but we're in such need of it that I didn't mind. And I'm also finding that it's hard to be excited about anything right now, so I guess we're all in the summer doldrums.

    I hope you have some luck with Maytag, but if not, a five-year warranty sounds pretty good!

  9. We got some rain too and it was wonderful. It was too little too late to save my poor hydrangea. It went right to being dried flowers this year. I've never seen that before.

  10. I have a front loader and need to add water through a garden hose attached to the sink into the soap drawer! Energy efficient but can't even see the water, hot water setting does not allow hot water in US so the hose water is hot when needed. Good luck!

  11. I haven't stitched at all since we got back home. Too busy trying to get organized here again. I'm ready to go on vacation! :-) I have a top lloader here at the condo and love it. I'll never again get a front loader. I never wash on "normal" either. Always "deep wash". We did laundry once a week while we were gone and it worked out well.
    Lots of fires out west while we were driving around Montana and Washington. They need rain too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. My knitting has been minimal because it's summer and I'm trying my best not to overdo my hands. I hope you solve your washer situation soon!!

  13. I do think the heat saps energy. We bought a top-loader Maytag four or five years ago. It has an agitator and it beats the dickens out of clothing. I've never had a machine that was so hard on fabric. It has a sensor so it seems like there is not enough water to let the clothing or other linens move more freely. Probably by now, the Maytag models have changed. I sure hope so.
