Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 7/17/24

Good Morning!

It is HOT, still.  But, last night a thunderstorm blew through.  Not enough measurable rain in the gauge, but the temp dropped to a very comfortable 79 degrees.  In fact, I slept with the AC off last night and the bedroom windows open.  Mabel loves that because she likes to lie in the back windowsill where she can look out over the backyard and keep her eye on the deer and any foxes that might wander into the yard.

Here we are mid-week and it's time once again to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  It's really been uncomfortable to knit or stitch much due to the weather.  I did not bother taking yet another picture of my Shakerag skirt which still needs a couple off rows added before I start the waistband.  The shortie sock has had a few rows added though.

You can see I am cruising down the foot.  I think I have 20 or 25 rows left to go to the toe decreases.  I'm meeting up with Dee this morning, so perhaps that will get completed (or worries).

Like the sock, I am almost finished reading The Glassmaker by Tracy Chevalier which I am enjoying quite a bit.  I still think her book "Remarkable Creatures" is my favorite of hers, followed by "The Girl with the Pearl Earring," but this novel is enjoyable.  As Bonny mentioned to me the timelines are a little weird, but still I'm liking it.  I need to finish it up, because waiting on my night stand is The God of the Woods and I just received an email that James is being held for me at the library.  When it rains it pours!

Hoping everyone has a pleasant Wednesday.  We are headed to C&M's for dinner tonight and I promised to make a strawberry-rhubarb crostata, so I will be tackling that this afternoon.  Stay cool everyone!


  1. When the night cools off it makes such a difference. I am currently knitting a shorty sock too.

  2. The temp dipped a bit overnight here, but not as much as expected and nary a drop of rain fell here, of course. Shortie socks might be my new summer favorite... they go quickly and provide a huge satisfaction factor! Enjoy your dinner with C&M tonight!

  3. That sock is really nice (and I know because I saw it in person)! I don't know why the timeline of The Glassmaker bothered me so much, but I agree with you about her other books. I think you've got some great reading ahead and enjoy your dinner with C&M!

  4. I still love Chevalier's Girl...Earring the best. I haven't read The Glassmaker yet. This is my Summer Of Rereading.

    Those socks look incredibly soft. I like the main colourway.

  5. The storms went south of us last night, but I'm glad they found their way to you and cooled things down! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for rain and lower humidity today.

    Those socks are moving right along! I'm sure the skirt is, too. I hope you enjoy all the reading you have ahead of you!

  6. I just started The God of the Woods yesterday. It really pulls you right in to the story, I'll say that! (Don't think it will take me long to finish. . . ) I haven't been knitting AT ALL lately. I'm sure it's the weather, but I seem to need a little knitting break these days . . .

  7. I wish it would rain here!!! Lovely sock progress and I hope you get measurable rain.

  8. As you know, I loved The God of the Woods and I look forward to reading The Glassmaker.

  9. Relief is coming our way tomorrow and this current heat wave is slated to end and I cannot wait! Fred & George also like to sit in the window and keep an eye on all the backyard critters.

  10. I'm so jealous of your cool down. It's still miserable here. Every thunder storm predicted goes north. We desperately need some rain.

  11. How wonderful to be able to turn off the AC and open the windows. Enjoy!

  12. The socks sure look nice. How nice to have a reprieve from the heat.

  13. I’m going to have to Google a crostata - that’s a new one for me

    Finally we’re also having some summer. It’s been a really cold start and rainy to our English summer. Today it’s 27° which is very nice!
