Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 7/10/24

 Hello All,

Still hot and humid here in Eastern PA.  I thought we might get a little relief yesterday, but no such luck.  This morning all is still (not a breath of air moving) and at 6 a.m. the temp is already at 80.  Ugh!

Let's instead focus on happier things.  It's Unraveled Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  My knitting making has focused entirely on my Shakerag Skirt.  No progress on the first shortie sock at all.  But, the Shakerag skirt (despite looking similar to last week) has progressed nicely.

The decreases have been completed (and those stitch markers removed).  I am now in the process of adding some rows since I don't want the skirt to be mid-thigh length - LOL.  Soon, though, it will be time to knit the waist band, add the elastic and have this project finished!

This morning, reading MDK's daily post, I came across the pattern for Semplice by Vera Marcu and I'm smitten!  I might just need to cast that on sooner rather than later (I've been thinking of shawl knitting...of course my Hitch on the Move has been ignored for months...but no worries).

On the reading side of things, I read Piglet by Lottie Hazel.  Unlike Sarah and Bonny, I did not really care for this book.  It just didn't seem real or logical to me.  I have never met anyone who behaved the way Piglet did in the story...I kept wanting to shout "oh for God's sake, grow up!!".  Oh well, different strokes for different folks.

Last night I started reading The Glass Maker by Tracy Chevalier and roughly 30 pages in I am liking it so far.

In gardening news Fletch picked the first ripe fig!!!

Can't wait to try it.  Alongside it is a small (quite small) yellow squash.  Normally Fletch would have left that to get a bit larger, but the larger squash had been nibbled on by something, so he decided to rescue this one before some critter got to it.

Today I go back to the audiologist for a fitting check.  I confess to not wearing my hearing aids very much.     My hearing loss is so minor I think I probably could have waited to get hearing aids, but I'll keep them at this point.  I just need to remember to put them in/on today before I go to the appointment.  LOL

Happy Hump Day everyone!


  1. Oooh, you are getting close on the skirt! And a linen skirt would be great for this hot, humid weather, so I hope you finish and get to wear it soon.

    It's also unbearably hot here and so sticky. I was hoping we'd get some rain (Beryl leftovers) today, but it looks like we might only get a sprinkle, if that. I guess it's another day of sweating and drinking lots of water!

  2. Your skirt is just moving right along! (and I saw Semplice as well this morning and instantly became enamored of it! I even "mentally" tossed my stash wondering if I might have something I could knit it with!)

  3. Your skirt is growing and looks wonderful! I'm sorry Piglet wasn't your cup of tea but I'm anxious to see what you think of The Glassmaker. Enjoy your produce!

  4. I'm more in the MEH camp when it comes to Piglet, Vera. She was not a very likeable character and I was totally distracted by the Not Knowing (iykyk). That said, I thought the book was fascinating in it's undercurrent! And while you have the sticky weather, we're ready to build an ark over here . . .

  5. PS. That Semplice pattern? I, too, am totally smitten.

  6. We are getting bits of Beryl here in NEO, but still in the sauna. My basil is loving it, but me--not so much.

    I can easily see your progress on your skirt. It looks great.

  7. I love that skirt edging so much! Good luck with your follow up appointment to the audiologist, be honest about wearing them maybe there's an adjustment that needs to be made.

  8. You'll be wearing that skirt in no time and hopefully the weather will cooperate! It's still hot and sticky here but we do have a breeze and that helps a teeny bit. I'm not familiar with either of those books but I do like some of those patterns from MDK today!

  9. The skirt looks great! I think I was mistaken saying we're knitting the same color--yours looks much more teal to me. I have Piglet in the to-read pile but we'll see (I think I got it for free on Kindle Unlimited).

  10. I admire anyone who casts on anything in this heat. Even in the AC it's getting to me. I need to get outside but if I did I'm pretty sure I'd melt. I went out at 6 am to water the plants and it was awful out there.

  11. It's been pouring rain since last night here - we are getting the remnants of Beryl. It's still very humid though.

    The skirt is looking fabulous!

  12. The skirt has seen a lot of attention! Really nice work. And that shawl is to die for!!!!

  13. I can definitely see Shakerag Skirt progress ... and woohoo for that First Fig!

  14. Wow, that skirt is coming along. It seems like such a lot of knitting but you are going to have a skirt soon. I hope a hearing aid adjustment helps.
