Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 7/2/24

 Good Morning!

How are you this morning?  The air still feels so fresh and yesterday was absolutely wonderful.  Not hot, not too cool (though I could have used a little shawl or something when I sat on the patio late afternoon).  This morning it is in the upper 50's.  Almost like September!  I know the heat is coming back...and soon...but right now it is glorious.

Today finds us at the first Tuesday in July and time for a Tiny Needle update.  Gaze by the Primitive Needle is a rather small piece and I thought I would have a finish for you today, but I don't.  There are still a number of little do-dads/tiny little new-agey things to stitch.

This should be wrapped up by next week.  Those little tiny motifs take some time - some of them has as many as three different colors in them...so five stitches here...change thread...another 6 stitches...etc.  It all takes time.  Luckily I am still enjoying this one.  I also need to think about what will be next.

Meanwhile, let's talk flowers.  We planted gladiolas for the first time this year.  Six or eight I think.  They are up and their leaves are tall.  Yesterday we spotted the first flower stem.  I'm curious as to what color it will be.  I'm also curious as to whether we will get more flower stems.

Thanks to all of you Dahlia growers, we also planted Dahlias this year.  Again, six or eight.  Not all have grown.  There are only 3 definite plants that we have seen.  Of those 3 only one has buds.  Yesterday, one of those buds finally opened.

It's pretty, but looks a little ragged...a little worse for wear...kind of like me.  The lackluster performance of the Dahlias is leaving us a bit underwhelmed.

Once again it is time to finish my first cup of coffee and then jump in the shower.  Have a marvelous Tuesday my friends!


  1. The stitching is lovely! All those color changes do slow you down, but I'm sure you'll be done very soon.

    The dahlias I planted last year looked a lot like yours and never got to be like the ones Carole posts (though I have a feeling the bunnies eating them didn't help things). The color of yours is beautiful, though, so I hope you get some more blooms!

  2. We used to have gladiolas in our yard when I was a very little girl. They were so lovely. I hope yours do well and are a colour you love.

    Dahlias can be fussy. I hear from so many gardeners that they are disappointed in theirs. Fingers crossed that they perk up after all.

    And it's good to hear you sound so chipper and back to yourself, Vera--energetic and full of activity.

  3. Some dahlias bloom a little bit in the earlier parts of the summer, but in my experience, it takes a while for them to get going! Most of mine haven't even gotten buds yet (the ones I planted from seed last spring), but they are growing well in the garden. I do have a couple of dahlias I bought from the greenhouse, and they are blooming already. So I guess I'm trying to say . . . be patient with your dahlias! The best is yet to come. XO

  4. I love gazing upon all the colors in your sampler, even if I know that doesn't make for easy stitching. And I love the colors of your dahlia, even if you are a little underwhelmed so far. Glads always remind me of my FiL. He planted them because my MiL loved them and they were a labor of love since he had to dig up the bulbs every fall. We gave bags of bulbs away at his memorial service and I like to think of them growing in lots of gardens. Of course, the squirrels dug mine up. :-(

  5. We ate dinner on the porch last night! It was so delightful! Your stitching looks just so fun, Vera! I am sending good thoughts for your dahlias... may they bloom and bloom!

  6. I think the first year with dahlias is a bit of a crap shoot. From what I've seen, they get better as they get older.

  7. I'm glad you got some relief from the heat. We had another disgustingly humid day on Friday, but the rest of the weekend was perfect. Well - Saturday rained most of the day, but that was just fine because I was sewing. It's supposed to get hotter as the week goes on, but I'm enjoying the cool breeze while I can!

    I do not have great luck with Dahlias. I love them, but they don't love me. I find they definitely do better in the ground than pots. Can you leave them in the ground over winter where you are? We can't here - I think it's another reason they don't do great - they can't really get established. I know some people dig up and store the tubers every year, but that's too much work for me! Lol

  8. The stitching is so colorful! Love the flowers--honestly I think any flower, even if it is ragged, is so perfect!

  9. Glads are beautiful flowers, but they tend to get top heavy and topple over.

  10. Be patient with your dahlias, mine don't really start blooming consistently and beautifully until late July or early August.

  11. I think it's been a year since I did cross stitch, I should try to do some sometime. Love the little one you are working on.
