Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekending 7/29/24

 Good Morning!

How are you?  And how was your weekend?  Mine was good.  Nothing special, but it was a nice weekend.

Our Gladiolas started blooming again so I cut some stalks before the deer could consume them.  So pretty.

Love that peachy/apricot color.

Friday I ordered a new washer!  I ended up buying a top loading Speed Queen (non-locking lid) that will be delivered on 8/7.  I did call Maytag about my current machine...explaining how it stopped working twice within a year and a half...but they would do nothing for me other than offering repair options (at a price).  Sorry...not interested.

The weekend was filled with some cooking (new to us salads that we did not like!!), some stitching, some knitting and some reading.  Also a little cleaning.  Yesterday morning we went out to breakfast and then I walked along the Perkiomen Creek and managed to go 3 miles with NO back issues!!  To say I was thrilled is an understatement.  This morning looks to be a bit overcast, so I may go out again to walk...maybe at the canal this time in hopes of spotting a blue heron.

July is winding down and the light is definitely different these days.  I'm enjoying it and looking forward to Fall.

Have a great Monday!


  1. That's a beautiful color -- and I'm not an orange person! I think I spotted our one stalk of glads that normally blooms when I went out to water yesterday, so today I'll go out and see if it's good to cut and bring inside. So glad to hear you were able to walk! Not so glad to hear that Maytag would do nothing for you (though I'm not that surprised, sadly). Here's hoping the Speed Queen is much better!

  2. What a relief you must feel to know that a new washer is on its way. Once a big decision is made, I know I always feel lighter.

    Lovely colour of glads!

  3. Your glads are so beautiful! I love that color! Yay you for getting out and walking!

  4. wahoo for a new machine! Lots of our flowers are looking dried up and sad, my husband waters but it's a losing battle at times.

  5. My washing machine is, hands down, the hardest worker in my house. I'm so glad you'll be 'back in business' this week!

    Glads... One year, en route to meet my college roommate for our annual all-day date, I stopped at a farmstand selling glads for a dollar/stem. The colors -- all so gorgeous! Black, chartreuse, fuchsia, red-orange... I couldn't decide, so bought the whole bucket of 30 (and they let me keep the bucket). To this day, it's my favorite gift I've ever given anyone.

  6. The glads are so pretty - I really do need to plant some in my garden

  7. Happy to hear your back allow you to walk so far. I’m still babying mine so hopefully I can increase my walking distance one day soon.

  8. Hooray for a longer walk without back pain!

  9. Those glads are beautiful! I will be keeping my fingers crossed that your new Speed Queen is not a lemon and one you'll be happy with for a good long time. I'm very glad you can do three miles without pain!

  10. What a pretty gladiola! I've noticed that the light is changing, too. I can't say I'm quite ready for it yet but here we are.

  11. I never thought about the deer eating gladiolas. I would think they would be bitter but I suppose deer don't have the most sensitive taste buds or they wouldn't be chowing down on my hostas.
    Congrats on the new washer. My new one stinks and I mean it literally. I've cleaned it over and over and followed every direction and hack and it still smells like something died in it.

  12. I didn't know deer ate gladiolas, but then if they're hungry they'll eat anything. Yours is beautiful!

  13. I love that peachy/apricot color also. So pretty. I'm ready for the heat to abate. We've got a nasty hot stretch ahead of us.

  14. I'm so glad you rescued the glad from the deer so you could enjoy it! lol The walk without the back pain is quite the gift, happy for you! Hooray for the new washer!

  15. Hurray for the no-pain walk. I'm going to discuss my back again with my doctor when I have my physical in August. I get so tired of the spasms.
    I had to buy a new range which I finally ordered this morning. I did not want to spend the money after buying four new tires while on vacation. But I am down to two burners working. Apparently it's the original range to the condo when it was built. None of the other people here believe it was still working until just before our trip. I couldn't believe the price for the new ones! I'll definitely never be buying another one.
    Enjoy your Tuesday Vera.

  16. Hope the pain relief continues! Do not say Fall. Been seeing pumpkins and ghouls in HL for months, now Christmas!
