Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekending 7/15/24

 Good Morning!

How was your weekend?  Mine was so very a very good way.

Saturday morning saw me on the road early to drive to Easton, PA.  It was raining lightly when I left home, but by the time I got on the PA Turnpike, the rain had stopped.  My destination was Three Birds Cafe where I met up not only with Dee and Bonny, but also Sarah and her daughter Mo!  What a delight!!

Sarah and Mo are both wearing sweaters they made!!  We spent a delightful couple of hours chatting, sipping and working on various projects.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye and get back on the road.

And then on Sunday my friend Leslie arrived!!  Leslie's daughter Jaimie and her granddaughter Emory were with her, but they didn't hang with us...they went to a hotel to hang instead.  Jaimie is fighting bronchitis and Emory had just gotten over pneumonia and they did not want to chance getting any of us sick.  

Colin and Mailing came over in time for dinner.  After a pretty hard rain storm, it was actually pleasant enough to be outside.

All too soon C&M went home and I took Leslie back to the hotel.  

This morning will find me at the laundromat catching up on the laundry that has piled up.  We've decided to just cut our losses and buy a new washing machine.  The one we have is (obviously) a lemon and it's not worth having a repair person come out.  In the meantime, I'll be hanging at the local laundromat.


  1. Saturday morning was so much fun! I hope we get to do it again. I'm glad to hear your visit with Leslie was good, too, though I'm sorry you didn't get to spend time with Jaimie and Emory as well -- they were thoughtful to keep their germs to themselves! I hope you find a new, citrus-free washer soon.

  2. What a busy weekend! I'm glad you had so many Good Things happen to balance out the lousy washer-related stuff. It's always great to spend time with friends, and when you can add in your kids, it's even better.

  3. Saturday was the highlight of my weekend and I'm glad that the rest of yours was good. Stay cool at the laundromat and I hope that whenever you shop for a new washer you get a really good one this time!

  4. What a fun weekend! (Coffee with those ladies and that caribou sounds heavenly!) I am sorry about your washer... the only good thing about the laundromat is that all the laundry is done at the same time! Happy Monday!

  5. May your new washer be a good one!! What a fantastic weekend filled with friends and knitting and family!!

  6. Chatting with knitting buddies over coffee sounds like a perfect way to start the weekend. I’m glad Leslie was able to visit, too.

  7. I love seeing all the photos and words about y'all meeting Sarah & Mo - the stories aren't all quite the same (nor are the photos) and I almost feel like I have the full picture :-)

  8. What great photos about all the visiting. I'm glad you all were able to meet up. Best of luck with appliance shopping. May your days at the laundromat be few in number.

  9. What a fun weekend of socializing you had! I'm so happy you were able to get together with Dee, Bonny, Sarah and Mo!

  10. So nice to have visits with friends and family!!! Bummer about the washing machine!

  11. What a great photo of the "kids".
