Monday, July 8, 2024

Weekending 7/8/24

 Hello and Good Morning,

Boy was it HOT and HUMID this weekend.  Not pleasant!  It's difficult to get comfortable, difficult to think 0f anything appealing for meals, etc., etc.

But, let's not whine.  My one Dahlia plant with the bloom has more buds that should open soon!

And the first flower stalk on the Glads has started to open!

That photo was taken the other day when the first one opened.  As of this morning there are now 4 blooms on that stalk and it is gorgeous!

I don't think I mentioned that Fletch had to have emergency root canal work done the other week.  He is issues with the root canal, etc.  Saturday night during dinner, one of my crowns popped off!  We will be funding our dentist's summer and/or winter vacations!  LOL. Luckily I have no discomfort or pain because my dentist has summer hours and is not open on Mondays!  I will call tomorrow morning and hopefully get a quick appointment to have the crown put back on (luckily I didn't swallow it or throw it away!).  It's always something!

In spite of the miserable, hot weather, I did manage to get some knitting and stitching done as well as some reading.  I'll save the details for TNT tomorrow and Unraveled Wednesday the following day.

I'm looking forward to next Saturday when I will be getting together with DeeBonny, and Sarah (and Mo) in Easton at Three Birds Coffee!  It will be so nice to meet Sarah and Mo in person!!  And then on Sunday, my friend Leslie and her daughter Jaimie and granddaughter Emory will arrive for a quick visit.  It will be a banner weekend for sure!

Today's plan is to figure out what would taste good for dinner other than ice water!  Wishing you all a wonderful week!


  1. Hot weather and dental woes - ugh! Have a fun time next Saturday. That sounds like a fun group.

  2. is hot.
    I hear you with the dental issues. I just had a root canal last year and now I've got something that's annoying me when I bite on on side. I keep thinking of that $3000 bill and wondering how long I can go before it needs fixing. Ugh.

  3. Oh I wish I had planted some glads!!!

    Sorry to hear about the dental troubles. I have to go get some cavities filled tomorrow morning - not looking forward to it!

  4. It is hot!! What crazy dental happenings maybe that was your three things and now you're done (your hospital stay was number one). Stay cool!!

  5. Root canals are expensive procedures - happy that Fletch’s went well.

  6. Oof I hate all that dental stuff!

  7. Sorry about the dental drama (and bills!) but I'm glad you've got other good things to focus on like flowers and knitter meet ups!

  8. Oh dear, when it rains, it pours! Hope you're able to get in to see your dentist very soon and have the crown fixed. And I'm glad you're not in any pain!

    It's very hot and humid here as well, but it looks like we'll have better weather when we get out your way later in the week. In the meantime, I'm keeping my water bottle close at hand!

  9. Oof... the dentist must be loving you! Yikes! What a fun get together that will be! Just stay cool!

  10. I'm sorry about the dental issues, but at least we've got something fun to look forward to at the end of the week! Your flowers are looking lovely.

  11. Dental work is always a pain but I guess we should be glad to be able to access the care. Saturday, a storm blew in and the last two days have been quite pleasant. Maybe that weather will work it's way east to you. I'm envious of your meet- up. What fun to meet in person. I hope someone takes photos.

  12. Oh my goodness! I had a spate of dental issues (a root canal and a crown popped off!) to begin the year. I hope you and Fletch have wrapped your dental woes up for a good, long time! And that's a lovely dahlia you've got there.

  13. Your weekend gathering is going to be so much fun! (because dental emergency visits are the opposite of fun)
