Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 7/3/24

 Hello All!

It's Wednesday and time to talk making and reading.  Usually we all link up with Kat to chat about what we are doing/making/reading, but Kat is taking a little break so I don't think there will be any official link up.

No matter!  We can still talk about what we are doing.  My Shakerag Skirt looks very similar to the photo I shared a week ago, but trust me a number of rows have been added (I've now added 5 decrease rows which means a total of more than 45 rows have been added!)

I'm meeting Dee this morning for a bit of knitting and chatting time and I will be working on this skirt.

Since finishing the (PITA) Fairy Maiden socks, I started another pair of shortie socks and am through the heel flap on the first one.

These are being knit with my January Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.  Gorgeous colors.  You might remember that this is the yarn I used to knit a "crescent moon" sock that would not go over my high instep!  My friend Carol was able to (just barely) get it on her foot and I said I would knit a matching sock for her.  Well...forget that!  I had thrown away the pattern I used (my own creation) and I tried and tried to create a chart for a matching sock and I just could not.  Rather than waste a lot of time on it, I decided to just do something else.  My yarn, my rules.  LOL

Reading is picking back up.  I read Maud's Line by Margaret Verble.  I can't remember where I heard about this book, but it feels like one of you recommended it.  Whatever.  I finished this last night.  It's a well written book (novel) about an 18 year old Cherokee growing up on an allotment.  There is a lot of roughness, many hard times and way too many mentions of snakes, but I enjoyed the book a lot.

Fletch and I are still listening to Nobody's Fool - the first "Sully" book (in a trio) by Richard Russo.  I say STILL listening as the audio book is just under 25 hours.  Given that we only listen at most 20 minutes per night (and not every night), it is taking a bit of time to get through this.  I think we have 15 hours left.  There are some nights we really enjoy this and others that are quite boring...but we will get through it.

I'll be stopping at the library later to drop off Maud's Line and to pick up two books that are being held for me.  I also looked and am moving up the queue for a number of books (I'm now 56 in line for "The Ministry of Time" our next RWU selection and number 12 for both "James" and "The God of the Woods").

Wishing everyone a fun 4th of July and hoping that all of our animals are not too traumatized by fireworks.  We will be heading over to Colin & Mailing's for a cookout.


  1. You have made a lot of progress on your skirt! And it should move even faster now that you've made a bunch of decreases.

    I've read Stealing by Margaret Verble and enjoyed it, but I don't enjoy snakes, so perhaps I should skip Maud's Line.

  2. You've made quite a bit of progress on your skirt and it's looking good! Those socks are nice also and you'll probably finish those quickly. Have fun with Dee this morning. Maybe you two can please try a little harder to solve the problems of the world? :-)

  3. Your skirt looks quite pretty. I can't wait to see you model it.
    Enjoy your time with Dee (like I need to tell you that).

  4. you are making progress on that skirt, I love the lace edging detail. My knitting stalled a bit because of Frodo being unwell (again) but now he's on the mend hopefully once more. It's a rollercoaster!

  5. Your skirt looks great! Have fun with Dee this morning and enjoy your cook out with C&M!

  6. That skirt is so pretty! I can really see what it is going to be now. You've made a lot of progress.

  7. I'm enjoying seeing your skirt grow - I've always wanted to make one.
    The shortie socks will be a great way to get over the frustration of the fairy socks!

  8. LOL at 'too many snakes'. Eager to start on my shakerag!

  9. The Fool series was so good! I read it last year and enjoyed it a lot.

  10. I see that the skirt has quite a bit of progress! The new sock is so pretty!

  11. What a good idea to start over with the sock yarn. The skirt is coming along. I hope you and Dee had a good time and solved a world problem or too.
