Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Felines

 Good Morning!

I'm almost afraid to say this (or write this), but it kind of feels chilly this morning!  The temp when I got up at 6 was just 60 degrees.  Quite a difference from a few days ago.  No AC running and I haven't even put on the ceiling fans yet.  Delightful!

Mabel has stayed out the past two nights.  I guess she is acting like a teenager...disobeying curfews, etc.  During the day she pretty much hangs around and yesterday I caught her very relaxed as she sprawled on one of the picnic benches.

We did go to Colin & Mailing's on Wednesday night for dinner.  Colin grilled burgers and we had a ton of fresh veggies from the CSA share they had picked up on the previous Saturday.  Roasted carrots and beets, fresh pickles, lettuce and tomatoes and onion for the burgers, etc.  I made a crostata for dessert using rhubarb from our garden, some blueberries and strawberries.

The first shortie sock has been finished and the second one started!  I'm also seriously contemplating a new start - a shawl!  Time will tell.  I have plenty on the needles that I could and should finish up.  But the temptation is strong.....

First I have some running around (errands) to do this morning.  Here's hoping the weekend is a relaxing and enjoyable one for all.  Have some fun!


  1. Aw, Mabel is so sweet, even if she is being a bit rebellious! The crostada looks delicious. It's cool here, too, and it's fantastic -- let's enjoy it while it lasts!

  2. Love how Mabel is draped on the bench. It was 56 this morning!! I was cold on my walk and I loved it!

  3. Little Mabel is enjoying her Nature Nap.

    That crostata looks terrific. They're so much easier than a pie, too.

  4. We had an absolutely perfect day yesterday weather-wise. I finally got most of the gardens out front weeded. I'm hoping it stays like that all weekend so I can finish the front and get the back done too.

  5. I am enjoying our weather, too! I have the windows wide open and may even contemplate cooking something in the kitchen. I might be forced to after reading about your delicious dinner and seeing your crostata. I say cast on whatever you want to; you're the boss of your knitting!

  6. It felt a bit like fall out there this morning. The hot noon sun was pretty miserable though. I went out much later than I usually do and paid the price. At least there was a bit of a breeze.

  7. I always forget about rhubarb until I see your rhubarb and then I want it right away!

  8. Oh yum. That dessert looks delicious. When I walked this at 8:30 a.m. the temp was 67 degrees. Now as cool as your 60 but pretty darn nice. I'm glad Mabel finds time to take it easy. What a girl. I agree with Bonny, cast on whatever and whenever you want. Our hobbies are supposed to be fun.

  9. Your crostata looks so yummy! And it was cool here Friday morning and this morning as well! I am delighting in it... even if it is brief! Hope your weekend is going well! XO

  10. And now it's Monday already but you're retired and I'm on vacation so who cares?! LOL.

  11. Does Mabel need 23 new friends?
