Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 7/24/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

We find ourselves on a Wednesday nearing the end of July which just does not seem possible.  Where did the month go?  Anyway, it IS Wednesday when we usually link up with  Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all about what we are making and what we are reading.  But, I just saw that Sherman crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night and Kat is taking a break.  Please keep her and Steve in your thoughts.

Despite Summer Ennui continuing, I did manage to finish the pair of Shortie Socks!!

These were made using the January Sock Squad yarn I received from The Farmer's Daughter.  You may recall this was the yarn I used to make a crescent moon sock and then it would not go over my foot.  Oh well.  No worries, I now have a lovely pair of shortie socks.  One thing:  shortie socks are FAST.

I mentioned a bit back seeing a pattern for Semplice and immediately being drawn to it.  I love how there are triangles, rectangles and squares within the pattern.  I didn't find the necessary yarn in my stash so I ordered some!  It has yet to arrive, but what I ordered is KnitPicks Gloss (70 wool, 30 silk) in the beautiful color way named Jacaranda which is a lovely lavender shade.  You sure can't beat the prices of KnitPicks yarn!  I successfully resisted temptation and did not order any other yarn.

Of course, I still need to get back to work on my Hitch on the Move which has seen no love for several months.  And the Shakerag Skirt!  I'm now at the point where all I need to do is knit the waistband.  Maybe I'll get to that while waiting for my yarn order to arrive.

Reading has been good (though Summer Ennui is creeping in there too).  Right now I'm in the middle of The God of the Woods which I am thoroughly enjoying.  I have roughly 150 pages to go.  I also picked up  James from the library on Monday.  I'll start that as soon as I finish The God of the Woods.

Our afternoon visitor has been Steve the Beav (our groundhog) who comes out daily to forage in the grass.  He is pretty skitterish and will book it back to under our shed if he hears our back door opening, so this picture was taken through the door.

You may need to click to enlarge.  We love his white cheeks!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


  1. Yay for your FO in the midst of summer ennui. Can't wait to see the finish of Shakerag. I hope you'll model it.

  2. The socks look great! The Semplice shawl is going to be beautiful in the new yarn!

  3. Hooray for finished shortie socks! I'm so glad that yarn found new life in another pattern. I'm in a long waiting list line for God of the Woods, but in the meantime I've started The Ministry of Time.

  4. Your socks are beautiful and I hope your new yarn arrives soon so you can cast on. I'm with Nance and also looking forward to maybe seeing a finished Shakerag. Our resident groundhog is much more brazen; he usually sits and stares at me when I'm outside.

  5. Sorry about Sherman crossing the Rainbow Bridge. I know it's terrible to lose a furbaby. I'm sure many of his friends will be anxious to meet him.
    I wonder what the issue with crafting is? I haven't had the bug to do anything since we returned home, although it has been busy.

  6. congrats on finishing socks! they look marvelous :)

  7. Cute socks!
    We've got one of those gray things living under our shed too. It's been there for 30 years so I'm assuming I've been seeing different generations sneaking around. They really are good at hiding. We only get a quick glimpse once in a great while.

  8. I've been feeling the "seasons" so much ... it's been brutally hot here for most of July and I've felt a draught ... then we had rain over the weekend (and good news on the political front) and I find myself magically refreshed! Everything looks better and brighter!

  9. I managed to *almost* finish my shortie socks as well! (I just have a toe to graft) I have been thinking about that same shawl as well, but have not pulled the trigger on any yarn yet (I don't have anything in my stash either... sigh)

  10. The socks look nice. Shortie socks are such a good summer project. Most times I've been happy with KnitPicks yarn. I look forward to seeing your new project.

  11. We've seen so many young groundhogs on the road. They have all that grass along with sides yet they move to the concrete and get hit!
