Monday, March 4, 2024

Weekending 3/4/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

How are you?  And, how was your weekend?

I am so happy to say that Retirement does agree with me!  The biggest problem is trying to find the time for EVERYTHING I want to do!  LOL  Patience is not a virtue of mine, but I will learn.

My weekend was good.  I spotted the first redwinged blackbirds in our yard.  I love seeing them.

Chowing down on sunflower seeds.

Saturday, as usual, I met up with Dee for some quality time together.  It was pouring rain.  This week we are mixing things up and meeting on Wednesday!  Because we can!!

Sunday was an absolutely glorious day.  I was, however, feeling lazy so did not go out for a walk.  Now I'm kicking myself because today is grey and dampish out - hard to get inspired to go out.  But, there was lots of time for making - I did some knitting, then some stitching and then some more knitting.  Wonderful.  And, Fletch and I were able to sit comfortably on the patio before dinner for the first time since the Fall!  I noticed that some of our daffodils are just about to open.

Last night we finally watched Maestro - we both liked it and Bradley Cooper was amazing.

Today is open.  I may get a walk in - or I may do an indoor workout.  I do need to run to the store for some mushrooms (stroganoff is on the menu for dinner tonight).  I'll also pick up wings to get them marinating in some hot sauce and some in BBQ sauce - Fletch wants to grill tomorrow.  I should do some cleaning...and I'm sure I'll get back to knitting and stitching.  

Have a great Monday!


  1. Hooray for retirement! A midweek knitting day is a wonderful thing. Enjoy!

  2. Woo Hoo! Happy First Monday of Retirement! (Your daffodils are full of promise!) We had Red Wing Blackbirds here too... they are so boisterous and I love that they bring spring!

  3. I'm glad to hear that you like retirement! I predict that you will wonder how you ever managed to find time to work. Saturday was so rainy that I just sat, read, and knit. By the time I realized how nice Sunday was going to be, it was too late to do laundry and hang it out. It's not raining here yet, but it looks like it could at any moment.

  4. Your daffodils are way ahead of mine. But, I did see some catkins on a tree yesterday. That's a sure sign of spring for me.

    I hope Bradley Cooper gets an Oscar for his portrayal of Bernstein.

  5. You sound so happy...almost giddy! :-) I love it. And you're right, there isn't time for everything when you're retired. I always wonder how I found the time to work.
    Your daffodils are so pretty and happy. Still no flowers here but it was almost 70 yesterday. Today is dreary and cloudy but that's okay. There's no snow forecast so I'm a happy girl.
    Enjoy your Monday with NO work!
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I fell asleep during Maestro. I fall asleep during everything anymore so it's not a review. I'll have to try it again when I've had a good night's sleep.

  7. Isn't it nice that even if you have a lot to do, you can do it whenever you want? I'm sure that after the newness wears off a bit, you'll develop your own schedule -- but there's always the flexibility to be spontaneous.

    I'm sorry the weather is so crummy there today. I wish I could send you some of our sunshine!

  8. We need to watch Maestro! I keep forgetting about it.

  9. Happy First Retired Monday! And good for you for planning to meet with Dee on Wednesday. My friends around here who are retired do all of their errands and meet ups etc during the week and stay home on the weekends. I liked Maestro but thought it was a little long.

  10. I told you that you'd be busy! And how wonderful now that you and Dee can mix it up and meet any old day that you want to. Oh, the Heady Excitement of Freedom!

  11. I havent seen any red winged blackbirds yet, but the cardinals are singing up a storm here.

  12. I'm so glad you and Dee are meeting mid-week BECAUSE YOU CAN :-) ENJOY it all, my friend!

  13. Sat on my swing this afternoon in 70 degrees. Probably snow next week. Can't trust PA!!

  14. Getting together with Dee at midweek is just the best. Enjoy this new found lifestyle.

  15. Sounds like you're settling right in :) Bet it was satisfying to wake up on a Monday and not really have to care...!

  16. Almost everyone I know who has retired . . . has a tough time at first fitting everything in to their new, more relaxed lives! (That . . . and not having a set schedule.) Give yourself time, Vera. You'll figure out a rhythm that works for you!
