Friday, March 15, 2024

Winding Down the Week

 Good Friday Morning!

It has been such a nice week!  Yesterday I was able to get out in the afternoon for a walk along the canal.  I had not been on that path/trail for quite some time (it can get kind of muddy after a lot of rain).  There were quite a few people out - some bikers, some dog walkers, some joggers - everyone seemed to be enjoying the abundant sunshine.  There were a ton of turtles sunning themselves on various logs in the canal.

If you enlarge you will see there are at least a dozen turtles in that snap!

I even spotted a painted rock along the trail!

Several loads of wash dried very nicely on the lines yesterday.  Of course, there is more laundry to be done today.  Not sure that will dry outside - we have a chance of rain.

But weather!!  Carolyn, I was thinking of you:  my brother who lives in Boulder, CO had been in California for business.  He flew home late Wednesday night - getting in around midnight.  It was raining, but forecast to turn to snow.  At 12:30 Thursday afternoon he texted a picture - they already had 15" of snow and it was forecast to keep snowing for another 24 hours!!  I cannot even imagine.

Mailing has been in Texas all week for work and Colin invited us over yesterday for dinner.  This one was being a bit on the lazy side.

And then he escaped to the great outside world!  Luckily he doesn't run away or anything.  He just wandered around the patio in the back until Colin grabbed him and put him back inside.  Poor Marcel, he was not happy about that.  Talbot doesn't even try to get out!

We ordered out steak sandwiches for dinner - YUM.  It was still so nice we took our food out to the backyard to eat.  At some point either Fletch or Colin noticed a beautiful hawk in one of his trees.  I think the hawk was eyeing my sandwich!  LOL

We hung out for awhile and had a fire in the pit once it began to get dark.  Just before 9 p.m. we saw the ISS fly over!  I signed up for notifications, but this was the first time I saw it.  Very cool.

No real plans for today - a bit more laundry as I mentioned.  I may run some errands or not.  I may start to clean out the linen closet...or not...I may venture to the library if a book come in.  Definitely I will make time for knitting and stitching and reading.  Tomorrow Dee and I are meeting up (this week was too busy to get together during the week).

What about you?  Any plans?  Whatever you do (or don't do), may the weekend be a good one.  Have some fun!


  1. What a great day for a walk, Vera! It was so gorgeous here yesterday as well! I have an eye appointment today... so new glasses is on my agenda! LOL Have a great weekend!

  2. Yesterday was beautiful so I also hung lots of laundry on the line and even got some yard work done. I do like your "may or may not" retired attitude! Have a good weekend!

  3. What a lovely day for you. We had strong storms and tornado watches. So much up and down weather.

    You sound very much the retired lady, and I love that for you. Have a great weekend! (Weekend? What's that? LOL)

  4. Looks like the turtles were enjoying the sun as much as you were! Isn't it lovely that you can choose to do things -- or not?

    My only big plan for the weekend is flying down to Florida tonight, but then I plan to do as little as possible until Monday.

  5. Your fire is lovely! I almost made one last night but they kept saying it might rain-which it never did.
    We had a lake by our old school and the turtles would sun themselves just like that when it got warm. It was definitely warm yesterday.

  6. Seeing all of those turtles had to be another good sign of Spring! The fire pit for Thursday is such a great tradition!

  7. That's a BUNCH of turtles on one log! We're back to sunshine today, but much chillier than it's been. Love your "or not" attitude. Isn't it nice to have that option?
    Fun times at Colin's house last night. I don't think I've ever seen the ISS, or if I did I had no idea what I was looking at. Which is probably the case. :-)
    Enjoy your Friday and time with Dee.

  8. Look at all that Marcel floof! What a cutie

    Love the turtles. We heard a lot of frogs peeping last night, but the weather is turning cold again this weekend. Boo

  9. It sounds as if you had a good few days. I think Spring is arriving across the country. Hooray. No big plans for the weekend except that we may help out our niece (a law student) and take care of her little girl on Sunday so she can study.

  10. Went to a quilt show today and then dinner with friends. I have my drawing class on Saturday and then will be outside, enjoying some false spring weather.

  11. I winced as my daughter texted me snow updates! (SO glad your brother flew in when he did—sections of I70 closed by early afternoon on Thursday.) That heavy, wet spring snow does a number on the trees. I think of the plum we planted in our former yard the year our son was born—the first tree he climbed—and I hope it made it.

    Oh, Marcel. A ball of love!!! Can you stand it?! Happy weekend.

  12. Pardon the anonymity! I’ve been having trouble commenting on blogs from my phone…

  13. How fun to see the turtles! The weather has been interesting this month. We had rain all day yesterday here in Phoenix and snow in our mountains over the last two days. I’m not complaining as we need the moisture. Love that you have a fire pit…some day I hope we can have one too. No big plans for me this weekend, maybe a bit of spinning.

  14. I love seeing all of those turtles! And cats and hawks, too! Hope you're having a great weekend, Vera!

  15. I know i mentioned this before but when we lived in MI there was a cemetery walk that had a big pond and tons and tons of turtles, I miss them :)
