Thursday, March 21, 2024


 Good Morning Everyone, is in the 20's here this morning.  Even Mabel doesn't want to be outside!  I woke a number of times in the night hearing the wind howl.  We have a buoy bell that we bought while on a trip to Maine years ago and have that hanging on our shed (at the very back of our backyard just before the woods).  That bell was clanging ALL night.  Later, once the sun is up, I will venture outside to cut some more daffodils.  The ones I had on the table all wilted and now the ones on the windowsill are following suit.  

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, it was my Mom's birthday yesterday.  She passed away 20 years ago and at times it feels like yesterday - hard to believe she has been gone so long.  Many of you have heard these stories, so I won't go into depth, but she was a very independent woman and someone I admired so much.  At the age of 20 or 21 (I can't remember right off the bat now), she rode her bicycle from Vermont to Canada by herself.  The following year, she and her girlfriend Jennie rode their bikes from Vermont to California!  They just took bedrolls and a few changes of clothes and stayed in youth hostels mostly.  They were not opposed to sleeping in someone's barn if the weather turned foul and they were still riding.  LOL.   Unfortunately they had an accident when they arrived in California and Jennie ended up being hospitalized for a number of weeks.  My Mom worked in the hospital while Jennie got better and then Jennie's parents paid for them to fly back to Vermont.  (My Mom's parents did not have a lot of money - my Grandfather was a minister and my Grandmother did not work.)

My Mom is the one who taught me to knit and to embroider (not cross stitch - she did not do that).  I still have an Icelandic sweater she knit for me as well as some of the linens she embroidered. They are treasures.  She was a great tennis player - almost always acing her serves; she swam like a fish and hiked like an explorer!  One summer she packed up me and two of my brothers and we drove across the country in a Northern route, down the Western Coast, back across the country on a Southern route and up the Eastern Coast to come home.  We were gone for weeks!  My Dad flew out to meet us when we were in South Dakota and then he flew back (to go to work) when we reached Los Angeles.  What a trip!  I cannot imagine doing that on my own with three kids!

Anyway, on to the title of this post.  My March socks are finished!!  

I managed to knit through most of the foot while seeing Dee yesterday morning.  When I got home, I only had the last 5 rows (with the pin stripes) and then the toe decrease, so I finished them up last night after dinner.

The yarn is the March selection from the Farmer's Daughter Sock Squad.  The main color is called "Grandma's Hands" and even though it looks like the socks are kind of striped, the yarn is really just variegated.  I knit these using #2 needles and knit an Eye of the Partridge heel flap.  The leg and foot are just plain vanilla.  Luckily I had determined early on these would be for me...luckily because I really, really like them!  In fact, I may just have to wear them today.

The other finish I have is a book.  Last night I finished The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters.  This was another fast read for me.  I found the story to be good and the writing is strong.  The end felt a little flat to me, but I still give it 4.5 stars and highly recommend.

Later this morning I'm heading to our accountant's office to go over tax stuff.  Hopefully this will not be a painful visit!!

And...I'm hoping I can find Spring somewhere!!  Have a good Thursday.


  1. Your mother sounds like she was a woman way ahead of her time! She must have been a fantastic role model for you.

    Love the socks -- the pinstripes are a nice little touch that will be a fun secret in your shoes! I also finished The Berry Pickers last night and enjoyed it a lot, though I agree that the ending seemed a little too quick and easy given all the trauma the characters had been through.

  2. I love these memories you have shared from your sounds like she was an incredible woman! (this does not surprise me at all!!)

    Well done on those socks! I love the colors (and I am wondering why I don't knit coordinating cuffs and toes more often!)

  3. I love hearing about your mom. She was really one of a kind. I can only imagine how free she felt when she set off on her big bike trip.
    Congrats on the sock finish!!! Those contrasting heels and top ribbing look great.

  4. Your mother sounds like quite a woman! Her accomplishments were really something and something you can be proud of.

    I like those socks and the little pinstripe touches you added. I hope they keep your feet warm on this cold and blustery day!

  5. It is wonderful that you have such happy memories of your mom. That was quite a trip you and your brothers got to make.

    The sock looks great. I bet you popped them right on your feet. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr it is cold out there today.

  6. I absolutely loved hearing all of the adventures your Mother had, even taking along her kids on some of them! What great memories you have. I really like those socks with the neat little pinstripe. I'm glad you're keeping them for yourself.
    Hope the taxes aren't too bad. We sent ours off to our Spokane accountant at the beginning of February and already "paid" our arm and leg this year.

  7. Thanks for sharing your mom’s story. I am loving this yarn. The colors are so rich. And now your needles are ready for the April yarn!

  8. A beautiful post--your Mom sounds like a very adventurous woman--I would've loved to sit and talk with her! The socks look great!

  9. What an adventurous and free spirit your mother had. I'm glad you have such fond and happy memories of her.

    Your socks look great. The pinstripe finishing looks very chic, and now they'll come in handy for this Not Very Springlike Weather that our Canadian friends have sent us. Brrr.

  10. Thanks for sharing those stories about your mom, she sounds like a really remarkable woman! My mom has been gone 26 years today and I still miss her and think of her every single day.

  11. I'm with Mabel. We ran errands this morning and the wind and cold was brutal!! It won't be much longer. Great looking socks. That depth of varigation would be nice in floss. Most end up a different color by the end of the thread.

  12. Here's hoping for a little spring your way! I really enjoyed reading about your Mom. She sounds like she was a pistol!

  13. I’d love to hear more about the travels of your Mum, with her friend and with you children. What a woman!

    1. Rachell - The Little Room of Rachell blog

  14. Your Mom sounds like a remarkable woman!
    Love the finished socks! It's definitely wool sock weather here too! Brrrr.

  15. I love your finished socks Vera… beautiful pair! What memories and stories you have of your mom, thank you for sharing.

  16. I'm certain the Berry Pickers will be a great read for me -- but I want to read a book about your mom!!

  17. beautiful socks!! How nice you have hand knits from your mom, I have a few sweaters my mom knitted me in my cedar chest.

  18. Terrific socks. I enjoyed the stories about your Mom. I have a cross stitch sampler and an embroidered Crewel Work bell pull that my Mom made. I'm so glad to have them.

  19. Your mom sounds like a real treasure! <3
