Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 3/20/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

And Happy first full day of Spring.  This is my Mom's birthday and, if she were still alive, she would be 105 today.  Gosh I miss her - we had so many laughs and good times together.

It's Wednesday which means it's time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk about all the making and all the reading.  I've been focusing on my second March sock and am very close to finishing it!

Sock Displayed on a VERY Messy Table!

I had thought that I might have it finished by today, but that is not the case.  I'm roughly halfway down the foot to the toe decreases and that knitting should occur this morning because I am meeting Dee in just a couple hours for one of our therapy sessions.  LOL. I say therapy in a joking way, but you know, I always feel better after we get together.

My mind has been on the February yarn I received from The Farmer's Daughter.  I still have not quite determined what it will become, but I'd like to start in on something when my March sock is finished and BEFORE my April yarn arrives.  I'd also like to get back to my Hitch on the Move.  I have not knit a single row on that project in a week.  Of course there are plenty of other ideas/projects/WIPs calling my name.

Reading has improved and I feel as though I am getting over my reading slump where nothing seemed that great - a lot of just average or mediocre books.  Bonny had listened to a book that sounded good to me and so I requested it from my library.  Glaciers by Alexis Smith is a short book - just over 100 pages, but what a delight it is!  The story takes place over one day in the life of Isabel (Bell or Belly) and each chapter is a tiny vignette looking into what she is feeling or doing or seeing.  The writing is quite good.

Now I am reading The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters.  I forget where I heard about this book, but I had been in the queue for months.  This too, is very well written.  I have under 100 pages left to read, so should finish this one soon.

Be sure to head over to Kat's place to see what others are making and reading - inspiration abounds.  Now it's time for me to pour another cup of coffee and wake up a bit.  Happy Hump Day!


  1. Happy birthday to your mother! I hope today you have many good memories of her.

    I know you were joking about your get-togethers with Dee as being therapy, but there really is a therapeutic benefit to being with friends and talking! Plus I know you both enjoy it, and that's really all that matters.

    I read more of The Berry Pickers last night and am really enjoying it. We'll have to talk about it when we're both done!

  2. happy birthday to you mother in heaven, I miss mine til this day!!

  3. Happy birthday to your mom. She certainly sounds like a fun mom.

    See you in a bit.

  4. I think that visiting/knitting with Dee would very much be a Mother Approved Activity! May your time with Dee include a celebration of your dear mother! (You all talking about The Berry Pickers last night spurred me to get on the short list at the library!)

  5. I agree, visiting with a friend is good medicine! Have a wonderful time!

  6. We never get over missing our mom's no matter how long they've been gone. I just noticed this morning when I was counting out the weeks for soap curing that my mom's birthday is coming up next month. She would have been 87. I can't even imagine what she would have looked like as an old woman. She was still young and beautiful when she left us. 22 years ago.

  7. I finished The Berry Pickers last week, and I felt a little underwhelmed. I guess I expected more. To be fair, I'm not a fan of books with alternating narrators, but it wasn't that. I think it just felt...flat. Like the plot as well as the characters were left rather underdeveloped.

    How nice that you've been able to continue Coffee Shop Therapy with Dee! Isn't it wonderful when you don't have a job taking up so much of your free time?

  8. Today is my nephew's birthday--hooray for equinox babies!

  9. I am suddenly hearing about The Berry Pickers everywhere! I placed it on hold but it's quite a long queue, that's a great thing for a book that was published almost a full year ago.

  10. After hearing 'Berry Pickers' in ALL the places lately, I had to get in line. Sounds like a page turner to me...
    Your tribute to your mom at the top brought tears to my eyes. So lucky to have those memories, to have had that kind of a relationship. And so fortunate for your friendship with Dee, so close by! My mom and I don't have that kind of closeness...there's a bit of inaccessibility with her, a sense of unwillingness to be it's challenging, in ways. I do suppose it makes me all the more grateful that I have a deep and real connection with my daughters. (Sheesh, talk about a therapy session!)
    Anyway, here's to all that today brings. ♥

  11. It’s hard when we loose our moms. I lost mine 9 years ago and still go to call her to chat. Missing them is the hard part. Love your sock!

  12. I do hope you and Dee managed to solve the world's problems, or at least a few of them, anyway! Your sock looks lovely and you will get something knit with your Feb. Farmer's Daughter yarn all in good time. I'm glad you like Glaciers. I felt lucky to get The Berry Pickers from the library on your recommendation and will start it tonight.

  13. I was just telling Piper today that my Mom would have been 103 this year. She died when she was 67 back in 1990. I was only 2. Way to young to lose your Mom. She had a massive heart attack with no warning and no heart problems before. I sure wish Piper had a chance to know her. She was amazingly funny and everyone loved her. Her funeral was standing room only and they had to set up speakers in the parking lot! She barely finished high school and worked in a clothing mill as a "pinner". No fancy job. But she never met a stranger and was always laughing. I miss her a LOT.
    I hope you and Dee had a great time. Well, I'm sure you did. :-) The sock is looking great.

  14. I always enjoy hearing that you and Dee are getting together. Happy Birthday to your Mom. We do miss them, no matter how long they have been gone. Pretty sock. I bet it is finished by now. My computer has been in the shop, again.
