Friday, March 8, 2024

Heading Into The Weekend 3/8/24

 Good Morning!


The sun is up and so am I.  A cup of coffee has been poured and a few sips taken.  I may (key word) be falling into a rhythm with my days.  Or not.  The plan is to walk this morning as well as get some wash going.  The kids were over for dinner last night and then we had a fire in the pit.  Everything smells of woodsmoke!



Dinner was both hot and BBQ wings that Fletch and Colin grilled.  I made some Biscuits and steamed a bunch of broccoli to go with it.  We also had an old fashioned dessert called “Lemon Delight” which is sort of like a lemon pudding with a sponge cake on top.  Tasty and pretty light!  Both my Mom and my Aunt in Vermont used to make this dessert regularly.


I did manage to cut two of our first blooming daffodils.  I love a spot of yellow to brighten things up!



In addition to laundry (since everything smells smoky), I would like to start in on a project or two, but we’ll see how interested I am in doing that later on.  LOL. I may just pick up a needle or two and spend the day working on my knitting and/or stitching.


Dee and I are planning to get together again tomorrow – next week is rather busy for both of us and we couldn’t find a day to meet up that works for both of us.  Looking forward to that.


Whatever your plans are, have some fun!



  1. I also like to try and get things done earlier in the day so I don't feel guilty when I sit down to read and/or knit. My laundry is started and I may even hang it out. Enjoy your second day with Dee tomorrow and have a good weekend!

  2. Chores in the morning, fun in the afternoon has been my approach to tasks my whole life. I'm sure I learned it from my mom. I hope you have a great day and weekend . . . although I suspect that weekends will take on a different meaning for you starting now!

  3. I am with you about getting things done in the morning leaving the afternoon free for fun! Have a great weekend!

  4. I love that tactic -- instead of you and Dee skipping a week, doubling up!!
    How nice to have mid-week dinners and fires with your kids. The ordinary becomes extraordinary.

  5. We have almost enough daffodils bloom8mg that I might cut a few today too.

  6. Your daffodils are WAYYYY ahead of mine. I think I must live in a "cold spot".

    Looking forward to tomorrow.

  7. Daffs already! You're way ahead of us here in NEO.
    The woodsmoke is the big reason I'm not a fan of having a fire.

  8. It sounds like retirement is working out well for you! Hooray!

  9. I love everything about a fire except the lingering smoky smells!! Have a wonderful weekend, Vera!

  10. I'm doing all the things today, too, so I can relax this weekend, but the best part about retirement is that you don't have to try to fit things in around work. Hope you enjoy those daffodils -- our first ones are just about to open up!

  11. It's true that you smell like smoke after a fire. My whole house smells like smoke inside when we have a fire in the wood stove. The Mister who smokes cigars never notices but I do. Not a fan.

  12. Have fun with Dee! I'm jealous and I'm guess lots of others are too. I love the smell of campfires. I do miss them. We've never lived where we could have a fire in our yard until we moved here, but it's too miserable in the summertime to have a fire. :-)
    I hope you've found time for your needles today.

  13. Have fun with Dee. I hope you found some time for stitching today. Early daffodil blooms cheer me up. We had a dusting of snow this morning. I'm not complaining because we need the moisture.

  14. Now that you are retired, you can take a lump day when you need it! Enjoy! The family time looks great!

  15. Looks like fun was had. The lemon delight sounds delicious.

  16. Just one week in and you're already figuring out how "fun" this new phase is going to be! The hardest part for me about retiring from my corporate job was figuring out how to "do" the days (second hardest was figuring out how to keep up with the plans ... thankfully Apple has helped a bunch in that). My best advice is to remember what really matters and second best to hold it all loosely.
