Monday, March 11, 2024


 Good Morning!

It feels as though Winter is back in town.  I ran out early this morning to get some bloodwork done and thought I might get blown away!  And, of course, the winds were fierce ALL night which did not make for a restful time.

How was your weekend?  Mine was nice.  I met up with Dee on Saturday (we had to change our plans from today) for several hours of chatting and sipping and knitting.  Friday night I had thought I was going to need an intervention by Dee!  LOL  I had been knitting on my Hitch on the Move when I realized I had the wrong number of stitches on the needle.  I could not figure out what had happened, but there was a spot that just looked crazy.  I still don't know what I did, but it took me over an hour to fix it.  I have not looked at it since...hopefully all is ok.  I will most likely pull it out later and have a look.

Saturday was rainy all day and we had standing water (again) in the back yard.  Sunday we had a little bit of everything!  It was crazy out there.  Fletch and I dropped off one of the cars at our mechanic's for service on Monday, and right after we got home this happened:

We had rain, we had snow, we had sleet, we had clouds, we had sun and we had MAJOR winds.  The winds are supposed to continue all day which is not a pleasant thought.

Luckily I had taken some homemade soup out of the freezer for dinner, so I didn't have to do much!  Fletch watched the Oscars and I spent the evening knitting and reading.

No plans for today other than to take it easy.  I appreciate the luxury of being able to do that!  Hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. It was super windy here over the weekend as well! (those winds made for some interesting walks! lol) I hope you got your HotM back on track! Happy Monday!

  2. We had the same crazy weather yesterday and the wind woke me up several times last night. I can't say that I'm looking forward to 40 mph gusts today. It makes me wish I had cast on those warm mitts. I hope you have a relaxing Monday!

  3. I guess the weather was bonkers in many places yesterday! I hope the sun is out for you today. Here it's still quite chilly, but we're supposed to have clear skies and I expect it will get a little warmer.

  4. We started Sunday without power and spent the day moving from room to room to catch the daylight 🤣. Fortunately I can knit in low light and had a good audiobook.

  5. We had to sleep in the downstairs man cave last night because the trees are rock and rolling up there from this wind. Today is going to be a waste because I am soooo tired right now. There's not enough coffee in the world to set me right this morning.

  6. March likes to sample all four seasons!!! lol

  7. The March lion has definitely reared it's head!

  8. I don't mind too much of that weather -- except the wind! Always brace myself for the wind.
    I hope those stitches got righted around so that when you DO take a look, you can keep moving forward.
    Stay cozy there. (Love the sounds in the video!!)

  9. We woke up to snow, heavy at times on Friday. Of course that was the day that we had a bunch of appointments for Mom. By noon the snow had stopped and was gone completely by 2:00. Yesterday was 72! You probably are having what we did. The wind has never stopped.
    Sorry about your Hitch on the Move. That's never fun is it? I finished a wheelchair blanket last night so this morning I found a pattern and needles for a cardigan for Baby J in London. Apparently she's outgrown all of the previous ones I've made for her. She'll be two at the end of March and the pattern I chose is a size 2 so I'm going to try to go up a needle size and see if that makes it a bit larger so she'll be able to wear it all summer, (I hope).
    Hope your Monday is a great one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. I am not a fan of wind. It just wears me down.

  11. Retirement Monday #2 is here already! Sounds like you're settling into relaxation mode pretty well.
