Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 1/31/24

 Good Morning!

Happy end of January!!  It's above freezing today, but not by much.  I had let Mabel out at 6 a.m. and just let her back in and she is a little wet.  I looked out the window at the cars, and they are a bit wet too, so we might have had a little rain recently.  I can't tell if the sun is not up yet or it's just grey outside...the sky is pretty dark, I think we have some cloud cover.  Oh well.

Inside I have some brightness...some pretty:

My Christmas cactus that started as a cutting from the GIANT one my Grandmother had in Vermont.  Her plant was huge - easily a couple of feet across.  Anyway, I've had this for years and for years it didn't bloom.  Dee suggested it wasn't in the right location, so I moved it to my office where it gets some sun but it is also cooler (I rarely put the heat on in the office room).  Last year it had two flowers.  And now this year it has many more and a bunch of buds.  If you click to enlarge, you will see that the blooms are doubles!  (To take a picture of it, I moved it onto Mabel's "ledge" where she will try to pounce on birds at the is back on a bookcase out of Mabel's way now.)

Well, here we are the last Wednesday of January for Unraveled Wednesday.  Let's link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk Making and Reading.  Fortunately there has been no unraveling this week.  I've made slow, but steady progress on my crescent moon sock (the first):

The heel has been turned and I am moving down the foot.  I've fairly large feet, so still a way to go but the journey is pleasant.  The Farmer's Daughter yarns are very, very nice.  Of course, this is the January yarn February yarn arrived Monday (along with my Sock Squad Journal which was missing from my January package).

The colors are so pretty (and I love the journal).  But, I need to let them marinate a bit on my desk and in my head to figure out what to make with them.  The blue skein is the mini.  The other two are what I call half skeins - 50 grams each - roughly 230 yards each.  I don't think I want to use this yarn for socks, but I may do a cowl or maybe a shawlette.  Again, I will let the yarn marinate in my head...any suggestions from you?

Reading is still a bit slow for me.  I did read an excellent book Winter Solstice by Nina MacLaughlin.  What beautiful writing!  Very soothing to read.  I'm looking forward to "Summer Solstice" by her, but am saving that for a bit.

Carolyn had mentioned reading "Rooted" by Lyanda Lynn Haupt.  My library did not have that, but it had another book by the author:  "Mozart's Starling."  After close to 100 pages read, I am giving up on it.  I don't need another book about someone walking around with a bird on their shoulder pooping down their back!  The title of this book should be Lyanda's Starling as there was almost nothing about Mozart in those first 100 pages.  I'm dropping off the book at the library when I go out to get my hair cut this morning.

Fletch and I, thankfully, are still thoroughly enjoying The Ride of Her Life - we're almost 100 pages in.  Most chapters are just 7-10 pages long - the perfect length to read after dinner.

That's it from me this Wednesday!  Be sure to head over to Kat's to see what others are making and reading.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. You crack me up, Vera! (Still chuckling about the book "about someone walking around with a bird on their shoulder pooping down their back!") I love your blooming Christmas cactus. I've discovered that having the right location for them makes all the blooming difference in the world!

  2. Your Christmas cactus blooms are lovely; I don't think I've ever seen double ones before. That is a special plant! I really like your sock-in-progress. That gray is lovely and the accent color is just right. I've also got Winter Solstice but haven't started it yet. It sounds like these gray, chilly days are the right time!

  3. I am laughing as well at that bird comment! LOL My "All Saint's Day" Cactus is looking to give it a go at an Ash Wednesday bloom as well... who knew there were Cacti that followed the church calendar! LOL

    I love that yarn... it is just says spring to me! Beautiful colors!

  4. The Farmers daughter yarn is beautiful. I wanted to join but then remembered I don't enjoy knitting socks, plus the club was closed.
    I did get Rooted and so far it is just OK.

    1. The Anonymous comment is from Eileen.

  5. Your cactus is clearly quite happy in its new location! Of all of these that I've seen on blogs and online, none seems to actually bloom on Christmas, so perhaps the species is in need of a new name. Love the new yarns and I'll let you know if I think of anything that they'd be good for in terms of a pattern! I agree that they'd make a pretty cowl or shawl.

    1. When I was trying to solve my Christmas cactus issue a few years back, I learned that there are 3 types: Thanksgiving Cactus...Christmas...and Easter! Funny enough, mine Christmas cactus used to bloom Oct-Dec. (Halloween cactus?) Now, it seems to be a New Year's cactus. Who knows :)

  6. Your cactus is gorgeous. The new sock yarns are lovely.

  7. Those cacti remind me so much of my mom who had several huge ones in her laundry room that bloomed like crazy.
    Yarn in the mail is always fun. Those are some really pretty colors.

  8. beautiful sock squad yarns!! yummy. The sun is out today, finally after what feels like weeks of doom and gloom. I already went for a walk and I loved it so.

  9. I laughed out loud at that book comment...! My library doesn't actually carry that book. Perhaps for the best?
    I've experimented with my Christmas cactus over the years. Some good years, some bleak. I've learned that they need plenty of darkness. So, for example, when I had mine in a front room window, it took in the light from our front porch ALL NIGHT LONG. Not good... Moving it to a spot where it had daytime light and nighttime darkness proved better.

  10. Life is too short to read bad books. So many books, so little time.

  11. Beautiful blooms from a happy plant! Love the Crescent Moon sock,too.

  12. I've been reading a page and a half of books and putting them down--I don't know if it is me or the book(s)! Love your yarns. Great choice to go with that yarn club!

  13. Do you put your Christmas cactus outdoors in the summer? I used to put mine out on the patio and it loved it. Alas! I've no more of them. It was so long ago, I forget what spelled their Doom.

    I'm quite taken with that sock as it goes along. As always, I hate knowing that the prettiest part will be hidden away.

  14. I do like the progress on your Jan sock--the new yarns are gorgeous! You will find just the right project for them, I'm sure!

  15. That's a beautiful cactus and I'm glad you've found a spot where it's thriving! I'm sure you'll figure out something great for that new sock yarn. And yeah, return the book about the bird poop!

  16. Oh my goodness.l. I commented on the yarn in your last post.. sorry about that. I love your Christmas cactus Vera and wish mine would bloom.

  17. That Christmas cactus is amazing! I love the colors from your latest sock yarn club ... I'm sure you'll be inspired to knit something pretty with it.

  18. Wow, look at the Christmas cactus. It is fun to have a slip from a plant that belonged to family. The new yarns look pretty together. I'm sure you will come up with something eventually.
